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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    Well...haven't heard anything from anyone on getting a shoot going. PP must be busy and I'm getting ready to head to Griggs Park for some walking w/ the girlfriend. I've got my stuff if anyone has a place to get together, let me know...440-773-6001...Kevin.
  2. Point well taken on the air cooled engine. I've put over 55,000 miles on between my last two bikes. Hope my '07 goes for at least 30,000+ miles w/o any major problems.
  3. Does anybody really notice the one maybe two HP by using synth on the street? Think about it, you'd spend $30 (given you get your synth from UDF (good catch Fusion)) each time you change you oil. If you're like most well minded owners you change it at 2500 mi. or sooner. And let say you really do ride you bike instead of posing in a parking lot with it. So that's about 3 oil changes a season, not to mention the oil change before and after storing it. So you're up to $90 a year for one or two HP. Keep that bike for a min. of three years and now you've spent $270. I can buy enough dino oil for $30 to change it 3 times a season. I'd rather spend that money on something that will get me more than one or two ponies. Again, this is simply my opinion. You can agree with it or off.
  4. B-day shout out! Hope you have a good day.
  5. I guess it's all a personal thing, but I use regular old dino oil. I don't see the need to put in $10/qt. oil every 2500/3000 miles. It gets very expensive in a hurry. The performance of synth over 3000 miles vs. conventional oil (for the street) is not enough for the price of it in my opinion. As far as filters go....OEM for me all the way. I read an article where they tore apart OEM and aftermarket filters which pretty much put that debate to rest.
  6. I might be interested....can you send me some pics please.
  7. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    I'm leaving for c-bus today after work. I suppose I could bring down the stuff regardless if we don't hear from Pops. Yo Pop! Where ya hiddin'?
  8. Damn, that truly sucks. I was hoping to see a couple of you guys at QSL last night. We left at about 8:30 or so. I guess that kind of explains why I didn't see you there. Hope you get better quickly.
  9. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    I will actually be in Dublin this weekend (at Tuttles actually). And since the weather isn't going to fully cooperate (so that I can ride) I'm going to drive down. I know it's short notice, but if PP is up to it for sometime this weekend and others can go I'll bring down my stuff and we'll have at it.
  10. I'll be there, but I'm guessing it'll be before 8pm. I'm meeting a friend at VV, gonna hang for a while and then we're going to ride back out to the QSL in Sheff. He's coming from the east side and I from the west. Look for two '07 blk/org gsxr-1000's.
  11. I once had a V65 Interceptor...man what a pig of a bike.
  12. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    I'll bring the thrower(s) and the SBE!
  13. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    I was just shooting this past Sat. down near the GF's place (east of Cinci). Have a few items to plink with, Benelli SBEII, Savage .243 w/ accutriger, SS fluted bull barrel and Bushnell 8-24X50 AO scope (my woodchuck stomper), NEO .22 w/ 30mm Red Dot, FN Herstal FN-P9, and my carry weapon is a Taurus Millenium PT-145 .45ACP. It was funny having that entire arsinal in my truck, just glad I didn't get stopped for anything. I picked up a nearly new Do All trap thrower for $100 off eBay last year so if anyone wants to bust some clays I'm game.
  14. Well...let me be the first to welcome you. Not to mention us Zuk owners need to stick together to fight off Nick....he's just upset to have a slow kawi. J/K Nick! PS - watch out for the one called "Flounder"
  15. Me and another guy are tossing around the idea of taking a trip down to C-bus to take in some different roads/scenery. Don't have a time for a departure just yet, but I'd like to split mid morning. Could meet ya somewhere around 71 or in C-bus if you're up for a real ride. :grin:
  16. It's not as big of a freshing up as a lot of people were hoping for. But one thing is certain, they'll be some nice used 'busas for sale cheap and I just might have to pick one up for those long hauls from here to Cinci.
  17. You'd still be slow on a new 'busa Nick.
  18. Ouch...didn't know you only had you temp. Or that you lived what sounds like well ESE of Cleveland. Well, maybe I could ride out to the VV Lube and hook up with you there...during the day time of course.
  19. Here's the link to the actual press release: http://www.media.suzuki.com/mc/index.php?modelid=10&model_year=08
  20. So let me get this straight. You're new and have not made your formal introduction in the proper forum? Where's Satan....I vote for a ban. Just messing with ya. If you were in VV yesterday you should have stopped at the Lube for their bike night. I haven't been out there in a while because we have a Lube a lot close w/ bike nights on Wed. and Thurs. Glad you enjoyed you trip though. Next time head out to the Lube in Sheffield and I'll buy you a drink.
  21. That's a good price. Although....I got mine for free.
  22. r1crusher

    New Busa

    Easy with the old man comments there bud!! LOL!! Welcome and make sure you hang on to that bike.
  23. Welcome! PS - I have some fender elim. kits for that bike.
  24. AARRRGGG!! DAMN NEW FORUM!! ***mumbles under breathe*** No good admins.
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