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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Damn I wish I could go...but the woman will be here this weekend. I bought the sticker to ride in parks a while ago and never put it on so I might have to get another. Let me know the next time you guys are heading out. I've not rode the 300EX at all this year.
  2. Here I though you trained your sphincter to talk and it was on your shoulders. My mistake.
  3. Hhhhmmm.... it's tomorrow.... and..... I can login. Beeotch...don't step to me with empty threats.
  4. Putty <---- by ----> Cleaner
  5. I could see you riding that thing around in your tights and sheild w/ flounder in tow as your "backup man".
  6. How about we add some blue to your R1 and then you could have the "Captain America Bike".
  7. Well....its more of a nick than anything else. I rode it home and it seemed fine, not leaking oil or anything like that. I'm trying to get a hold of the guy that gave me the estimate last time. He took care of me right, a little extra labor here, don't really need to replace that part there but we'll put it in...next thing ya know I had my deductable covered. I started shopping for parts online already, but I can't find anything on the price for the fork tube body (upper or outer tube). I'm figuring if it's going to get rebuild I might as well have them both revalved and sprung for me. Everything else I can get on ebay for cheap and do myself.
  8. That my bike has been backed into.... So I take a ride over to the Zuki dealership to find out what the deal is with my recall parts coming in. Take care of business there (Thurs. 4:30 to get it done) and I decided to take stop over a good friends place right down the road. Stop over and watched a movie but during that his neighbor stopped over because he's having problems with his computer. So I tell him I'll stop over after we're done watching the movie. Movie finished and I head next door not giving any thought that I was parked behind my friends F-150 truck. So I'm checking this computer over and I hear that unmistakable sound of plastic crunching and breaking. I immediately stop and ask if his neighbor heard it. He said it was his son slamming a door in the house. I told him it wasn't a door closing, it sounded like someone just hit my bike. So we get up and take a look out the front door. Well...there the bike was just like I though I had left it. My buddies comes in and starts to say something and I instantly said, "You backed into my bike...AGAIN...didn't you." He said yes. That's right...this is the 2ND time he's done it. So it didn't tip over but he did manage to push it back, IN GEAR and ON THE STAND no less, almost 2 feet. It's was just as much my fault as it was his. He's been my best friend for more than 14 years and I wasn't really mad at him. We all have insurance and that's what it's for. So after some good inspection this morning I need a headlight, complete upper assembly, both orange side cowls, rectifier, upper fork tube body, and fender. I don't know if the stay for the headlight is bent so I'll have to take it apart to see. Now that some decent late season weather is here my bike is all facked up. I need to just find a new fender for now so it's now so I can keep riding it. So my '01 was backed into twice, one in Mentor while I was ther on business and once by my buddy and now my 4 month old '07 by my bud. Must just be my thing I guess.
  9. r1crusher


    Nobody might not care what he types on here, but some of the shit he says makes it to the GDC board....and damn is it worth it!!
  10. r1crusher


    WTF IS GDC!?!?! Come here boy... It's the only place for people who ride real bikes. You didn't get an invite? Oops! You don't have the right bike...so sorry.
  11. r1crusher


    Hey....it's tough to keep up the post whoring on multiple forums. I've only been here since May and have 100+. I'm working on it....give it time.
  12. r1crusher


    Did someone say GDC and post whore!?!?
  13. Not compensating for anything....just a lil' fun on the forum. Did you happen to go to the Lube last night? I didn't get up there, too busy with yard work and getting things ready for the opening day of hunting on tomorrow.
  14. ............I don't need no stinking . You must be reading from the old copy. New were distributed upon purchase of the 2007 GSXR-1000. Sorry you're a behind. Dent or no dent you too know where you are in the pack....boy. Don't have have some new keys to get cut? Oh wait, you got that done already. How much did that run you? I'd more than happy to let you try them for.....oh.....say $1900. But I'm starting to gather my prices for the "goods" and it ain't going to be cheap.
  15. r1crusher

    I'm back!

    Sweet...new bike! Looks like the ins. co. found 80% of the bikes value as damanged huh. What are you going to pick up? And more importantly how's the recovery going?
  16. You've been banned from playing certain games Nick because you obviously have nothing better to do than rack up the high scores. Oh yeah....it works just fine for me as well.
  17. r1crusher

    8/19/07 Ride

    Now that really sucks. Like I told you, I only take along what I need. Leave that other stuff at the house. Loosing a house key - $40 (new key and locksmith if necc.) Loosing all your keys, RSA fob, remote, etc. - $300 I hope you learned your lesson here son.
  18. YOU NEED TO CALL A BROTHER!!! I would have rolled with you for a bit.
  19. Well...if you and Putty are trackers you've already beat me hands down. Leave me in the twisties all you like, I ride within my personal limits. I'm not out to win some bragging rights on the street, that's what the track is for...if I can ever get time to go. I was just sturring the forum pot. I'll be down in your area soon and we'll all get hooked up.
  20. You're right Inya...we are robots. We have one program to run and that's to hand out ass whoopings to anyone that wants them. Don't you have some keys to go find or something? :thefinger: Just messin...you're right it's all good (and that applies to everyone).
  21. Oh snap! Looks like some GDCers are getting involved now. See Flounder...that's how it's done.
  22. Why bother coming all the way up here. Why don't you stand up and represent a fellow gixxer rider and take care of things down there Flounder? You have the exact same bike. Are you skeerd of Putty?
  23. If I could upload a f'ing picture I could more than point out the specific areas of this photochopped image. The front looks like the opening of an RC51, the pipe as I said before looks like a gixxer 1000, the decals are exactly the same ones on the current model, the seats are from the ZX6 as well as the cover for what would be normally be there for the undertail exhaust. Damn it why can't I upload!?!?!
  24. It's ok Inya...you shouldn't feel offended. Your 10 is just as slow as the rest of them. :thefinger::grin::grin:
  25. HA!! You're too damn funny Shitty. I'm just messing with ya Putty. I'm north of you...and west of Cleveland...Sheffield Lake to be exact (aka Shefftucky).
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