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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. You know flat fish you can always send me your "junk" stuff. I'm sure I'd be plenty happy with whatever.
  2. Look at that...I let you get digs on it twice now. Be grateful, Scat. I won't show you any mercy next time.
  3. Beat...not match, right? Because matching prices is so '90s and anyone can do that. Beat it by 10% and you'll get my business.
  4. Sorry you had issues with Optics. I don't mind the emails as I use them to see if there's anything upcoming I want to checkout. Sign up and check it out. If you don't like it, unsubscribe. Not that big a deal IMO. Again just passing it along.
  5. I was turned onto this website by a friend. They seem to have some good deals on stuff that changed every couple days. Not everything is a good deal but you will find little gems every now and then. Just thought I'd pass it along since I didn't find anything when I did a search on here. Dvor Gun Accessories and Supplies
  6. I can only hope your wife pays you back some day with a "cup o' cheese". http://youtu.be/-xFaJUZRkQM
  7. Oh yes! Aztecca in Akron has some good food. I was doing some work at Goodyear and the guys go there often so they took me there one day for lunch. Let me tell you something....that hour plus drive home was almost lethal not to mention I barely made to the throne in time. I've never had any Mexican that hit me that hard and quickly anywhere, but damn was it worth it.
  8. When the pains start moving from right to left then you only have minutes to find a nice quiet stall/bathroom.
  9. I had some good ass Mexican down in San Antonio. I wanted to ask them if they knew Bad but I don't speak any spanglish.
  10. No need. There's a local pound nearby that usually has a good supply of fresh cat and dog.
  11. Off topic...but what is that growth on your back!?!?
  12. Screw Tom! I have a decently setup .243 I might consider letting go. I know it's def. good for 330+ yards.
  13. I use a Plano AirGlide for my rifle and like it.
  14. That's "Boom. Check please!" Get it right next time, B.
  15. I'm here, John. You don't have to worry yourself. As for the date, I just learned this morning that I have to be in Cinci the weekend of the 15th, not to mention that my bday week. So if I were going to pick a date it'd be the 22nd.
  16. this!!!!!!!!!!!! There are LOTS of other people that would be just as fit to be in office. But this country is so dumb now that the sheeple will blindly pick the left or right and not look in the middle.
  17. We know. You should have seen how exhausted he was trying to pay everyone back at Nelsons when his bike just quit running. He had a dozen guys helping him work on it.
  18. Because it's a great sleeper car. Nobody expects a little TBSS to just stomp all over you. I know because I have one and beat a number of silly little Mustang owners.
  19. Then we probably need to talk again. I picked up some f-body LS fans I need to get installed and get the ECU patched to run them so either way I'm going to need to hook up with ya again.
  20. Considering a stock SS is about 400 at the crank, he's got lots of mods done. He's boosting obviously, so I'm fairly certain the bottom end is forged. Throw in the usual supports for boost, like rods, pistons, heads, intake, fuel supply upgrades, turbo/supercharger, intercooler. Then you have to have the driveline upgraded to support that. He has a lot of stuff done I'd say.
  21. When in the hell are you going to get a damn AWD dyno so I can have that done on it by you!?!??!?!
  22. Fear and common sense.... ....along with a lack of HJ's from John. But in all seriousness, I think most of the basic stuff I have down and don't have to concentrate a lot on body, setup, etc. This leaves me free to work on later braking, better throttle management, etc. I try to not think about anything outside of the track once I get on it. Moving to the gixxer has helped me be more confident along with a tire brand change. I find that now I need someone just faster than myself to follow or I just wind up doing the same times over and over. Some times I'll look for someone that carries more corner speed than I do but that I can stay with and try to follow them. Instructors are busy dealing with novice or less advanced riders so it's hard to find someone you can hook up with consistently and work with...as I said in another thread.
  23. Been using it for years. As an early adopter it wasn't prefect but right now it does 99.5% of everything I need it to do.
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