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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Wow, that's just plain unimaginable. Truly sorry to hear.
  2. What did you do to that poor poor bike now? You throw it on the ground, starve it, wear it out. I'd get mad and quit on you too if you treated me like that!
  3. I think you need someone to do some further real world testing and also promote that triple. I'd be happy to do both for you since I already rep RD on the track bike anyway. PM me for my address.
  4. Oh no! I think we're thinking too much alike! Someone should propose a law that outlaws people having similar thoughts!
  5. I'm positive that with the laws that are already in place if a minor was to comes into possession of a weapon that was "carelessly left laying about", that gun owner would be in a heap of shit. Nothing like some law icing flowers on the law icing on the law cake.
  6. As a responsible gun owner/carrier it is YOUR job to safely carry AND store your weapon REGARDLESS of where you're at. We don't yet another stupid ass law telling the typically competent gun owners what to do. /thread
  7. That balloon knot would be ruined forever!
  8. And things just keep getting better (see sarcasm). Just got word that Pat (nephew's name) will be in the hospital for another week at least. He now has a blood clot in his left lung. I suppose that could have gotten there any number of ways with the injury to his arm and other things. So....looks like another week of waiting.
  9. Dude, you're friggin' killing me. The costs to run 650's vs 600's isn't that much more to even worry about. Tell Abby that she'll have to only eat once a day for a couple years and buy the GD thing!!!!!!!!!
  10. No whoring unless you're buying. Which I strongly suggest so we can have more dudes to ghey it up with. Which Madscat would really appreciate.
  11. New Update I've not heard much about my nephew in a couple days other than they released him. I just got word that that something pretty bad has forced the family members there with him to call for an ambulance and rush him back to the hospital. Again, the information coming back is not complete but he is def. going back and it's something internal. I'm so fucking pissed that no one knows anything up here that I'm ready to pack my fucking bags and head down there. Damn it all!
  12. JUST GO BUY IT!!! IT'S A TRACK BIKE, IT DOESN'T NEED A DAMN TITLE!!! I should buy this just to have a "B" bike....which would be my current bike. Damn you Hob!!!!!!! On a side note, can I come over and slide you some cash for a few nice bits off that bike + the part off my bike to replace it? Please!
  13. But does she like having very saucy 'gehtti eaten from her nether regions by him?
  14. Hhhhhmmm....sounds like someone might have some first hand knowledge of someones "game".
  15. And there you have it. /thread
  16. r1crusher

    Beer Pics

    I had this app for a while on my Droid called Untapped. Kind of like this thread but mobile and you can create a friends list and share what you've been drinking. You also get badges for drinking different things and at different places. I did a quick site search and didn't see that anyone posted up about it. http://untappd.com/
  17. I got word late yesterday that they were releasing my nephew from the hospital. I also was told that they have to wait on doing anything with his hand/wrist until his arm heals. I'm really surprised that they are letting him go so quickly but I guess if the arm is as good as is that's probably the only reason to keep him. He isn't going right home, he's staying with my mother at a nearby hotel until he's good enough to go home to deal with his to pets (my sister is driving back and forth taking care of them). Oh, and he was wearing his helmet. Not sure about other gear and I'm guessing not due to the rash he got so Uncle will be having a good talk with him about that shit.
  18. After the popsicle and before the whip cream. Got it now.
  19. Is the seat warmer shown in the pictures included?
  20. We tried an air impact. No dice. Now, that's not to say we didn't hit it long enough.
  21. Sure you can....after I got a hernia from loosening it up for you.
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