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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Ah! That would certainly be even better but I doubt it would be free. I like the SMS thing. I have a friend that has a Nexus and his tethering app allows him to SMS from his computer so he's always braggin'. Now I can tell him to suck it.
  2. Thanks guys....and gals. Sister should be there soon and I hope to hear from her on how he's doing and get more information if possible on the jacktard that wasn't paying attention. And Brian, I'm sure he'd love a shirt. I'll find out a size and let ya know.
  3. Yeah...he wouldn't even spend 3-5K on a damn track bike and look where he's at now. Buying a loud, hyper, smelly dog.
  4. Although hard to impress Magz since he is above everything , this is an cool app. Thanks for sharing!
  5. OH! I can tell you a thing or two about boston's. They snore louder than any person you can think of. They will gas you out of any room you happen to in if you're unlucky. Other than than, they are a fun breed!
  6. ...I just got a call from my mother that my nephew was rear ended this morning some time on his bike. Early reports are that he has a compound fracture of an arm, some stuff broken in his back, and a good bit of rash (I'm assuming he wasn't wearing his jacket). I was told he was wearing his helmet though so I'm glad I beat that into his thick skull early in his riding. My sister (his mom) is flying down to Florida at 3pm today. He should be out of surgery by the time she arrives around 6pm so hopefully we'll all get some more news then. And to top it all off....today is his 27th birthday.
  7. Yeah, they both ripped by me going into 10 but I did have Mike in tow so that'll be my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  8. Damn you Roland! Seconds quicker.
  9. If it's showing up regardless of the lens you're using it has to be something on the sensor/mirror on the inside of the camera. Google D40 sensor cleaning and give any number of the solution available a shot.
  10. r1crusher

    iPhone 5

    Could this be the typical Apple Lemming? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMsLArefSOw&feature=player_detailpage It's funny regardless of the
  11. The Habi was lookin' pretty good out there. You had a good line through 10 and that surprised me a couple times. Mike was making good progress also and just needs to take his time getting back on the horse. Hopefully the tips continue to help you guys get around quicker there.
  12. He didn't show you all the video of the guys passing him. I kid. You're doing pretty well out there. If anything else you need to work on your upper body position it looks like. Get you head out over the top of your wrists and lead with your shoulder in the turns.
  13. Packed up and heading over to get Steve. Should hit the gates around 7am and we'll be pitting in OUR spot (i.e. to the left of the pit in road). See you fuckers there!
  14. I'll be sure to give you the love I had saved up for John since he's being a giant douche sucking fagina.
  15. Brian, are you eligible for an upgrade right now? On VZW you can move eligable upgrades around to different lines under your plan. If you have an upgrade due to you and can move it just put the upgrade under the wife's line and get the 5. Then just switch her phone to your line and your old phone to her line. BOOM! You keep unlimited data! Check please!
  16. I'm so pissed right now I could bend over Jinu and rape his already gaping ass. Duped....again. And Craig won't be there to hold me.
  17. I also have this exact set. Pretty damn good speakers for a gaming rig, media PC, etc. Bump for some good stuff.
  18. Just sign up ya pansy. Try calling him instead also.
  19. I saw that one as said the same thing. I just wish the handles were different...maybe like the Ops one with that blade. That would be sick.
  20. Like Marty hasn't packed them in nut to butt before...ppppssshhhh.
  21. And the shit keeps coming! Too bad they sold out of the other models cuz some of them looked pretty bad ass. Woot Smith & Wesson Knives!
  22. LOL! Whatever works man. I'm obviously not dying to get the money from you. Jinu on the other hand...he's going to get two nice purple mushrooms on each cheek if he doesn't pay up. I know, John. I said I would never use that move on anyone other than you but Jinu deserves it, HARD! EDIT: This thread is offcially ghey'd up!
  23. HA! Suck it! :sexytime: Here's what I saw that's different: Handle, this has the speed assist (BONUS!), and I think the blade is actually a different material....think!
  24. I'm down for one Brandon. I can pay you this weekend at Beaver if you'd like.
  25. Oh fuck! There goes the neighborhood! Just watch out for the guy jamming on the brakes for a red flag!
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