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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. They'd have to start new class for them, the "Over 40 Class".
  2. I never would have pegged you for the sexting type, Aaron. But Tom is quite the sexy motha. Hhhhhmmm...I wonder if I could borrow my in-laws AR....
  3. Oh I'm sure guys will be swingin' in and out all day long at your trailer. :sexytime:
  4. I think their demographic is too small for it to catch on. And that's not a good analogy but we get what you saying. If you've ever watched some of the "And 1 street basketball" stuff you'd know there are some damn good street ball players out there good enough to play with some NBA guys.
  5. Some of the stuff you want done is fairly easy and I'm always willing to help out. Most of my stuff is in my trailer for track days (and at Steve's) but I bet all but the exhaust can be tackled. See what Pauly says as I'd rather see him stay busy. But if you want to do the wrenching with some help, just ask. I live in Sheffield Lake and Steve lives in North Ridgeville so we're both pretty damn close to you.
  6. Or you have tiny stubby fingers like midget todd.
  7. You're right...I'm wrong. I can say it. I meant :53's. Timer doesn't lie.
  8. He's been avoids us like Craig with his HIV. I would love to get a tow from Rob now that he's fast as fuck.
  9. You know, I think I just figured out why they cancelled at Nelsons and Beaver. They apparently can't keep their stuff out of the grass to make it from track to track.
  10. Madscat might come back from his wedding/honeymoon full of vinegar and piss and you might get a whoopin' there B.
  11. Don't really know. I've not found any information like that so far. I know you weren't talking about me, fucker.
  12. It's a good thing Brian can't go.... And well......
  13. LOL! I didn't think I was crazy for seeing that as being not so good. Edit: These guys are on full race tires also from the photos.
  14. This brings back that discussion we had before about being able to fully use a race tire given someones ability and skill. I'm running Corsa Rosso tires and run just little faster times than donkason at Mid-O, :43's. Beaver is very low teens, :10s-11's and maybe a :09 on good lap. I love these tires and they feel like they can give more but I'm just not to a point of really pushing these tires it seems. I guess I just need to pick up a set of full on race tires and give them a try at some point and see if they inspire me any more than a track day oriented tire. That is after I get a generator and warmer.
  15. So did I! Like I said, they did make it out to a few tracks so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe the cast had to work their normal jobs and couldn't come out. But I do like how well these guys ride.... This guys has AWESOME body position! He later wrecked in some preceding photos.
  16. But they are selling at MSRP I think which is $299 so with $50 off it's $249 which is what everyone normally sells them for.
  17. Top right hand corner of the forum page....."Search". Learn it, love it, use it. You are right though, but expect to get a little ball bustin' if you're late to the post.
  18. Beat ya! LOL! http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=97351&page=4
  19. Just found this! http://www.uniquephoto.com/gopro/ Uniquephoto has GoPro HD HERO2: Motorsport , Surf, Outdoor or Editions for $249 - $40 off promotion code GOPROMO! = $209 with free shipping. THIS IS the be price I have seen on these ANYWHERE.
  20. Don't know if it was cancelled but they are def. not doing much taping. I thought they did make it out to a couple tracks.
  21. FYI...Hot Laps will not be at this or the Beaver trackday. So for those that were coming out just for that you can make other plans.
  22. Now we know the real reason Abby stays with you.
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