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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Don't be gettin' all defensive! It's okay. Shit, I completely forgot about you putting a hole in your radiator also.
  2. Let's see.... 1) rebuild top end. 2) put rings in upside down. 3) fix rings. 4) leave out bolt for CCT. 5) ride piss out of bike. 6) break CCT guide. 7) blow Charlie to get ride for Sunday 8) finish last on Sunday 9) try to talk trash on forum 10) ask mods to delete account
  3. B R I N G I T ! ! ! ! ! ! You better get on a diet and look like Sam if you think you're going to even remotely stay close to me at Mid-O.
  4. Nice pics....except for the first one. There's some stupid Ducati in the way! Be safe and enjoy yourselves!
  5. You won't even be there so stop telling him what to run.
  6. Looks like Father Nature is trying his hand at knocking up Chillicothe right now....
  7. Got home a while ago. Tired as fuck. I stuffed madscat. It was a good day. I will say that madscat being my thanksgiving day turkey won't last long at PIR. He's not as slow as the fat ass says he his. I was also able to trim another second off my best time there, 1:09. Hoorah for me! It was good to see everyone again and do our "thing". Wonder how Jen will feel tomorrow for the race also.
  8. I don't think this thread was started to so you could spout off about the driving force of any product ever made or a clearly notable shyster. It is in fact about effectiveness. Effectiveness to remove something broken. So, let me rephrase: Bottom line....what doesn't work for some clear works for others. (there, no ambiguity or ties to capitalistic economies )
  9. Sorry about your luck, but just because you might not know how to use them properly doesn't mean they are a waste not worth a try. A little penetrating oil before extracting if need be and I have never had a single problem. If it's really that stuck I try to drill the remaining bolt/screw completely through it's center with a small bit, then use the extractor and this has work well for me also. Bottom line....they wouldn't make them if they didn't work.
  10. Simple solution.....go find your self an easy out extractor kit. Lots of hardware places sell them for both rounded and broken heads. They're simple to use and don't require torches. Problem solved.
  11. Personally I've never been a fan of EBC's. A LOT of guys are running Vesrah RJL or SRJL pads on the track. I've use them as well a Carbon Loraine, both were very good. Shop around and price them with the EBC's. They might cost a little more but I think you'll have better pads, IMO.
  12. ^^^^ If you'd of had something larger than a meal worm, Marty, you'd of said the same thing.
  13. Sure, as soon as I get my $250 from your daughter. BOOM! Just like that!
  14. I'm still a newb also. I just need to take some time to get out more with the gear. Here's a set from a vacation last year, cropped and resized (and no post processing) so I don't kill anyone's bandwidth. These were all taken on a plantation near Charleston, SC. - Middleton Place. It was actually in the movie The Patriot. This is of a really really old tree, Angel Oak. This one was from Fort Sumter in Charleston.
  15. They make these thin small rectagular plastic like things now. They have some numbers on them and all. I heard you can actually use them like real money at lots of places! How cool is that!
  16. Admins...please remove the second bike listed under Hoblick's user ID. He does not deserve to display it as he's slacking getting that POS together.
  17. BS...no amount of dry cleaning will get out true taco sauce.
  18. Screw the pics. If his ass isn't on it at the track within the next 4 weeks I'm callin' BS on the whole thing.
  19. If it were funny I'd of given an appropriate reply. you now disappoint me.
  20. He can add! Brandon told me a lie.
  21. How did you get the taco sauce stains out of those shirts?
  22. It must be really hard for you to add 2 + 2.
  23. I don't see it happening. You'll be busy with staffing the novice guys.
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