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Posts posted by vectorvictor

  1. I'd be willing to bet it's mainly for the "holy shit there's a twin turbo B-King" factor, because there's no advantages, only disadvantages on going twin turbo on that small of a motor. only becomes an advantage in above about 5.0 liters, then you basicly do a twin, to cut the work load into two 2.5 liter motors. makes for less lag time and better boost response. Not to mention the whole dynamics of exhaust pulses hitting the turbine blades and all kinds of other shit that gets pretty complicated.

    Agree, they are not even using twin turbos on the 500+ hp ZX14's... Thats the stupidest thing I have seen other than the BOSS HOSS!!!

  2. I liked it but was wanting more when the credits rolled but thats what they want... It looks to be another marvel comics endless play and may hold water in the third or forth incarnation but we will see. Ill prolly wait to rent them on dvd instead of at the theatre.

  3. It was karla... I was riding in the same direction so we left your house together and she was trying to keep up with ME and she couldnt quite get to 170 but she tried and got clocked doing 160. They must not have seen me at all because of the donut dust on the inside of the windshield...:cruiser:

  4. sorry to hear that dude, get well soon. Thats the reason that I never allow someone that i dont know or doesent know where im going ride in formation with me. Defensive/aggressive driving has worked so far for me. Hope it takes me as long as you to have a major accident!

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