Holy shite, I waisted 30-40 minutes of my life and I'm still debating if I need to write something. The truth is: 1. Putty needs to flame away and who are we to rain on his parade? For him, it's about principle, not $10. if it's about the $10, still, don't rain on his parade. If you were in his shoes, you would do the same thing. That means: FUCK OFF! 2. Even something appears to be 'free', NO, nothing is free, even sex is not free. ask your g/f or wife! 3. This is my promise: (if there's an opportunity) I WILL buy lunch/beer for the moderator because he pays for this running site b/c nothing is free, right? 4. However, we at discount tires, do our community free service: free flat repair (if it's repairable). Do you know how many customers come back to buy tires from us? That's why we are the largest. At the end, no, it's not free because customers indirectly, pay for the service from buying tires. 5. I learn from the past, "don't flame away in this site because you will be shot down!". But, did I just flame away? he he he.