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Everything posted by dorifto240

  1. I'm trying to squeeze as much riding time as possible out of the XS400 before I sell it, which means cold weather riding. Gear suggestions?
  2. I'm a fan of Vega. Granted it is my first helmet, but I was able to get a Snell approved helmet and an armored jacket on sale for $80. I've got the Mach 1, and it looks like Iron Pony has them for $99.00 according to their website.
  3. Do you have proof that he quoted you the original price? A verbal contract is a binding contract in a court of law if you can prove it. If this is his standard thing to quote one price and then charge another, I believe that can come under bait & switch laws. If anything, a solid threat of legal actions with big dollar signs attached to it might back him down fast. I say call his bluff; or if worse comes to worse "collect" back your property. If he's a shady little f*%k odds are he won't do anything.
  4. Of course we can debate back and forth whether those criminals would have acted that way regardless. There are too many corollary factors to consider when looking at CCW and other statistics; and the jump from corollary to causal is difficult. What are you going to do if the King of England comes in and starts pushing you around huh? Huh? Huh?
  5. Rattle can, I'd be up for helping! If someone gives you any shit about the car at all, let it eat them.
  6. Mister, I'd really like that book. I promise I'll take good care of it, and walk it and feed it, honest mister. Honest.
  7. From a cursory glance at the VPC website: This is a text book case of bad statistical work. There is no time frame, circumstances, or reference shown. For example, the "total people killed by handgun permit holders" category. Were they killed with a gun? Could they be pulling from instances of vehicular manslaughter? The driver has their conceal and carry permit is involved in a fatal car crash. So technically a CCW has killed someone. There are two kinds of people who carry guns: law-abiding citizens and criminals. If we outlaw guns, which group will comply and which will not? Criminals will get guns and use them no matter what. At best an armed populace lowers the overall crime rate, at worst it causes every criminal to think "is this person armed?" before they commit a crime. Most dictators after seizing power do two things: disarm the populace, and then kill the opposition. An unarmed populace is easily cowed, controlled and oppressed. And what are you going to do if the King of England comes in and starts pushing you around? huh?
  8. Three of the four Japs. Although the Honda is in pieces, and I might throw a Suzuki engine for kicks and giggles
  9. We're told to vote with our pocketbooks in almost any other situation. Why not with our government?
  10. The issue is we've become accustomed to all politicians lying and acting to protect their personal/political interests. It breaks down like this: 90-60 -> Lived through the war, knows that government works. Votes out of honor 60-30 -> Saw some politicians lie and game the system, but by and large our government is good. Votes out of duty. 30-18-> Has yet to see an honest politician, or a politician deliver on any promise made. Sees a select few profit at the expense of all. Has no voice in politics, why vote? Your statements are true. There needs to be term limits across the board for all elected officials, a method to impeach judges, pay increases are voted on by the people (not the elected officials), an end to all lobbyists, and personally I think our elected officials should only be paid a living stipend. (I did vote yesterday, hopefully I picked the lesser evils overall) Of course we've got a large disenfranchised group of highly passionate, angry and well connected people. That's how a revolution starts.
  11. Why vote when all you've seen is failure to deliver repeated over and over? This isn't a choice based on laziness, this is what a disenfranchised, disillusioned generation looks like.
  12. In all seriousness: That would do so much to decrease traffic congestion and pollution in Columbus!!! You've got my vote!
  13. I worked for my uncle at his research lab for a few summers in college; we drew a wire that had a titanium core down to a few micrometers. It was dicey, and I almost lost my face to our gripper and pneumatic draw bench a few times. But we were going for something different than a solid titanium fastener. I don't remember whether it was a success or failure. Well that saves me the cost of roofies next time we have an OR get together!
  14. True, but don't forget Jon & Kate, or Hulk Hogan. Two other families that would have been better off without cameras recording every moment. I like some of their bikes, and they did push some boundaries design-wise, but then everyone tried to copy them. And now the chopper style is played out and full of garbage. That's a shame, because they really can be gorgeous bikes. The love of money is the root of all evil, and pride comes before the fall. Too bad more of the wrong people don't mix those two in strong enough doses.
  15. They've cancelled the show after destroying a family? Chalk another win up to reality television.
  16. I interned at Pataskala Church of the Naz right after college! Where at on 40 are they? I wouldn't mind heading over and seeing them.
  17. It's fairly easy to upgrade to disc brakes. On some bikes it's basically bolt-on.
  18. I want one! It looks like it would be the perfect shop vehicle when I open my own garage!
  19. Gearz recently did a similar project with a Miata and a kit. http://www.staceydavid.com/projects/banshee.html
  20. DSCF1465 by Handsome Matt, on Flickr DSCF1464 by Handsome Matt, on Flickr DSCF1462 by Handsome Matt, on Flickr Finished the paint today! Just a few little things here and there left to do.
  21. Any photos or cool stories to share?
  22. I will give you $1.00? I can put as many zeros behind that decimal point as you want friend, just tell me when to stop.
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