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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. This. Things are gonna start heating up this weekend. Should see some cruisers and maybe still get a doe in the freezer before rut.
  2. I received this pic in a text from my hunting buddy... He said it was taken Friday evening somewhere between Mt. Gilead and Mansfield. I don't know who it is or anything else about it, but the photo is apparently circulating like wild fire (No doubt!)
  3. I talked to the wife last night. She is working all weekend with end of month stuffwhich leaves me to baby sit. I'll text if there's a change but for now I'm out.
  4. Subscribed... I may actually make this one.
  5. It almost sounds like CPD is expecting something... Of course, I'm sure their "friend" list is pretty long. lol
  6. Something in the fuel flow... Runs good cold for about two minutes then acts like its on two cylinders. Bogs badly unless you nail the gas, then it takes off. After about 10 minutes it settles right down and runs good, but there's still a rough spot in the idle. From what I've been able to see on line, there's 3 or 4 possibilities. I'm having my good friend and hunting buddy (who is also a certified mechanic) check it out and also put new front rotors on it. Looks like I'll be hanging on to it for the winter so I get my latest money in repairs out of it... :-/
  7. Sorry, no longer for sale... Can't sell a broke truck. Gonna see what my mechanic friend can do with it and nurse it thru the winter. Selling somebody a big headache is not my style.
  8. Used to, but it seemed to get me into too many bar fights, and I'm getting too old for that shit.
  9. JohnG


    I'm out. Can't leave the house till after 2. Have a safe ride, tires might be a little cold...
  10. JohnG


    In for Sunday afternoon!
  11. Like as already stated above, we're missing a big piece of the situation. What were the events that led up to this video? Not emotionally charged rhetoric but factual, clear-headed testimony? What people just don't seem to get is this, you comply with an officer of the law. Your time to argue your position is before the judge. Most likely, none of these people would have been on the ground in handcuffs if they had conducted themselves accordingly.
  12. I noticed that too. But I liked the not so subtle reminders that we're riding on the street and not the track. Good to think about before those weekend twisty rides...
  13. Myth 10: It's Better to Stay in Your Lane than Split Lanes In most parts of the world, motorcycles split lanes all the time, everywhere traffic is heavy. Here in the U.S., people often act as if lane-splitting is insane. But when someone actually studied it in the only place in the U.S. where it's legal (California), they discovered it's actually slightly safer than staying in the lane in heavy, slow-moving traffic. Still many motorcyclists berate others who do it, when they should in fact be endorsing it. Read more: http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/streetsurvival/dangerous_motorcycle_safety_myths/#ixzz2fNAbxigy Here we go...
  14. "I laid 'er down to avoid a crash" is an oxymoron, often repeated by some other kind of moron. LOL
  15. My '92 had 31's and I could regularly coax 24 mpg out of it, but that's only with the 5 speed... This one had that done before I got it... Only engine issue it has right now is the choppy idle and bogginess till it warms up.
  16. When I bought this 7 years ago I was looking for another 4 cyl 5 speed... I hate the automatic and the 6 cyl gets crappy mpg. I've barely put 30K miles on it.
  17. Just had this sent to me. From the quick look I've had, seems to be a good read and worthwhile info... http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/09/16/become-a-better-street-rider-with-the-pace-motorcycle-safety-and-riding-skills/
  18. Sitting on the fence about getting rid of this... :-/
  19. Decided this morning to find out what kind of interest there is for this. I need something else in the jeep/truck/4x4 area... This would make a good farm truck for someone, that's what I used it for mostly (and hunting/hauling stuff). It's a 1991 Toyota 4x4 extended cab. v6 automatic. Motor's not bad and has around 175K miles on it. Doesn't knock or smoke. Trans is ok and the 4x4 works. The body is rough, but doesn't have as much rot as you'd think, mainly the passenger door bottom and tailgate. Has an aluminum cap on the back and a two inch receiver. Never been wrecked. Interior is in good shape too. Stock rims and road tires, but you still would have a hard time getting it stuck. I got hung up in a field once, and the big JD 4x4 tractor that came to get me almost got stuck with me... Currently has an idle issue when cold and the trans won't shift into overdrive until it gets good and warmed up. Also needs front rotors. $1500 or reasonable offer from someone on here. Could be tempted with a trade of comparable value but there's not much I need. I'll post pics when I get home from work.
  20. Yup. In for riding somewhere this weekend...
  21. Bump. This is a nice set, thanks for letting me try them on Adam. I think if I knew I was going to do a beginner track day, these would be perfect. GLWS!!!
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