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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. "Please, please, just let me grab that frickin' cat..."
  2. Regardless of what you might THINK... I own this place.
  3. I commute on the VFR when I can and expect that crap. But when it affects my attitude, I'll turn around and go home. I can avoid stupid people until it makes me angry, then I'm just a liability to myself and it's time to get off the bike.
  4. Dammit... Well, I guess I'm in for one then. And I just paid a bunch on the credit card to keep the balance low...
  5. Nice. I'm curious also, why this and not the CBR1000RR? A little more jack, but lighter and better fuel economy (according to Honda anyway).
  6. I confess I'm addicted to Woot. It sucks a little since Amazon took over... Anyway, I keep looking at these Dyson rechargables. Does it really run very long between charges? I realize you can't vacuum the whole house, but I would like to be able to run around the baseboards and maybe do a car or two...
  7. Posted link to youtube on my facebook... This could have been so much, much worse. I know someone personally who could tell you. Sick mother fuckers like that need to die. Badly.
  8. JohnG

    Bike Raffle

    Definitely interested. I can meet you in Lancaster, just not today. Let me know what works best for you and we'll plan a meet up. Is there more "official" information about the raffle? Website or anything like that? I know you said money goes to Central Ohio Food Bank, but who is actually putting it on? Thanks!
  9. Used to go there frequently with my father back in the day... It was much different than it is now. I understand that's it's used pretty heavily now. I prefer more private venues.
  10. Please do. I need to get some proper OR farkle on my ride.... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. nips of death.... I guess you could take that one of two ways... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. rawr... http://theringlord.com/images/products/instructions/ScaleBraTop.jpg
  13. Charity for a guinea pig rescue? And here I thought you could eat em if you didn't want em... Here's the manufacturer. Get your's now. http://theringlord.com/cart/shopDisplayCategories.asp?id=10&cat=Projects+%26+Kits Call me crazy, but I think a chainmail tie would be frickin awesome...
  14. In and shared! Damn this would be sweet!
  15. So, tried the undelete360... Worked pretty good! Got most of my pics back, but not all. And a few of what I got back were garbled or had bits of other pictures mixed in. There's apparently quite of bit of options that you can get if you purchase the software, but the freeware version worked well enough for me. Got back about a thousand pics when I ran the program. Most of them were ones that I had deleted on purpose a long time ago. Got back some video clips, too. Thanks!
  16. Would be nice to have a group from here ride out there and stop in to make a donation. I'm not a poker run kind of guy myself, but there's some good riding out that way...
  17. I think I'll give the undelete360 a try... Will let you know how it goes. God, I hate dumb-ass attacks when they're my own...
  18. :-/ Prayers sent...
  19. Congrats! Some things will change, they have to...
  20. Got a little too buzzed last night and somehow managed to delete the folder on my Droid that had my camera pics on it. Fortunately, I think, I had the camera storing the pics on my SD card. Pulled the card and set it aside. Now I'm needing a good, reliable data recovery tool off the web to try to get the pics back (about 200 of them). Any suggestions?
  21. Nice bike. Welcome to OR!
  22. Very cool. Yes, from what I remember from my gauge-cal training back in the Navy days, you need your range of measurement on the gauge to be as close as possible to the expected measurement. That's why I'm hesitant to buy a gauge with a 0-100 psi range as the max I'm measuring is 42 psi on the back tire. Granted, one or two psi off the mark isn't a big deal, but 10 psi is...
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