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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. JohnG


    My Saturdays revolve around my daughter's sports schedule now... Not sure what this Saturday is like yet. Sundays after 1 are good for me. Last Sunday I took a quick sprint up 79 to 541 east to 36 and west back to 79. Only about 90 miles, but damn I needed that. Ready for more for sure.
  2. someone's going to hell for that one...
  3. Russian Pot Stirring... Now we know where internet trolls come from.
  4. Obama sets the tone with his opening remarks, "...here we are yet again faced with another mass shooting." Stand by for more posturing, blaming and cries for even more gun control.
  5. Excellent quote. News conference just beginning now at 11:22 a.m.
  6. I'm out we're playing a double header... won't be done here until after lunch. have a safe ride
  7. I'm a definite maybe. All depends on how long the volleyball game lasts...
  8. Will there be an actual calendar displayed on the main screen or just the hyper link in the forums box?
  9. She's a Bambi killer... I love her.
  10. Ewww. North or South? South you might want to seriously consider 315 and get off 270 before the big cluster fuck, which is only going to get worse next week (and for the next three years) when they rehab that area around 23. If you gotta go North you're pretty much screwed... The only decent back road route I've found that even remotely gets you back to 71 north is via 36/37... It may be scenic, but it ain't quick. Stay safe out there.
  11. Sorry, Scruit... She would have won the pushing match and you most likely would end up bumper pizza from someone behind you. That's part of my commute route home from Riverside Hospital, but only before 3 p.m. or after 6:30 p.m. And when I do come thru there, as soon as I get on 270 from 315 I am in full huckabuck mode to the far left lane and I stay there past 71. By the shadows, I'd say you were coming thru there shortly after lunch, so traffic isn't as bad as it gets. But still, stay in the left two lanes coming thru there...
  12. I need this ride... Daughter's volleyball game is at 8:30. Hope I can make it there at 11.
  13. cats reacting to their owner's homes being obliterated - coffee almost came out my nose
  14. Mr. Magley, I have no interest in arguing semantics with you on the anniversary of the attack by muslim extremists on this country. I've seen enough of your threads to know that it's pointless arguing with you when you feel your's is the only valid opinion. It's a free country, at least for today, and I served to help preserve your right to free speech. I only request that you and any others who may not share the same opinions of what happened today give it a rest, if only for today. Today we respect the memory of those innocents who died. Let that be enough.
  15. Lol... I say again, I thought that the issue was the peaceful demonstration of a group of motorcyclists in opposition to a group of muslims demonstrating on the anniversary of the muslim attack on our country?
  16. ^^^ Awesome... Also, https://www.facebook.com/2MillionBikersDC
  17. JohnG

    Ever Had To...

    I've considered these: http://www.casporttouring.com/cst/motorcycle/007424801.html
  18. I considered that, especially since you can see him drift into the next lane and then around within his lane, but if he was asleep when he was approaching and impacting the riders, he was doing an amazing job staying in the lane...
  19. "in the area of the ramp"... I'll bet they misjudged the turn in to go up the ramp. Pretty quick turn. Hard to believe it could be on the freeway since that's pretty wide open with lots of room to get up to speed and merge. Speedy recovery, rider, whoever you are.
  20. Probably not going to be many water-cooled bikes there either...
  21. Unfortunately, the short-sighted powers that be decided that, instead of shutting a few public roads for two hours to allow the demonstrators to pass, they will now have to contend with the flood of demonstrators on bikes grid-locking the city for the majority of the day. Access to public roads cannot be denied to the law abiding public.
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