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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I know that ain't Ohio in the picture.
  2. JohnG

    8/17 Se Ohio

    Subscribed. Want to ride.
  3. First of all, Welcome! Second, splurge on gear. Third, get signed up for a rider course. Enjoy!
  4. JohnG

    Curve Grinding

    I don't get it... I commute regularly from New Albany to Riverside Hospital. I hit the ramp from 270 to 315 south same as I ever did, the VFR doesn't seem to mind. Rather have them grind the ramps than tar snake the fuck out of them.
  5. Lol... Just doing my civic duty. Bought three for stocking stuffers.
  6. Congrats! Too bad you're not looking for a trail toy, I know someone who's got a RZR for sale...
  7. http://sport.woot.com/offers/gerber-vallotton-assisted-open-knife Small, light-weight... Looks like a good deal for twelve bucks plus shipping.
  8. JohnG

    2005 Vfr $4k

    And it's the fastest color...
  9. so I'm looking at an older discontinued model Garmin for 50 dollars but it doesn't have a charger or a mount. but it does have bluetooth... not sure its worth it.
  10. Yeah, just heard on the radio that Hyde was dismissed... Roby is in trouble, too. Here's a story: http://buckeyextra.dispatch.com/content/stories/2013/07/22/0722-carlos-hyde-ohio-state-football.html It would seem that Urban Meyer just can't get a break in getting that 1000 yard rusher...
  11. It does, but you have to access it by opening maps first... Cumbersome at best.
  12. I read thru the links... Looks like there's a degree of uncertainty as to who threw the punch. Girl stated she didn't know his name but could identify him. Hope it was someone else...
  13. On my droid, the blue navigator icon suddenly disappeared on Thursday or Friday last week. Frustrated the hell out of me cause I use it about every day for miscellaneous travels. Apparently, Google pushed out a huge update that changed Maps and eliminated Navigator, but I searched on line and found out how to get it back. Its simple to revert back to get your navigation and local icons/apps returned, just go into 'manage apps' under the menu icon on the lower left of your phone (or system settings, then apps,). Then on the top horizontal bar, scroll to the far right to 'all' (apps). Then find the 'maps' app, touch it once to open its 'app info' screen, then if you see a button that reads something like 'uninstall updates', touch that button. It will uninstall the updates that removed 'navigation' and 'local' apps. It will take about 20 seconds, tops, to do the uninstall. Then go back out to your home screen, click on the apps button on the home screen, and you should find 'navigation' and 'local' icons, which you can set again onto one of your screens. Credit where credit is due: http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/mobile/MnerdQJGa9Q
  14. Hmm... I've never tried to use the Tom Tom on the bike. Guess I just assumed that I wouldn't be able to hear it. Plus, I can't download the routes that other people have posted - or at least I haven't figured out how.
  15. If you're out and about sometime using one, maybe I could check it out? I've only seen pictures of people's rigs...
  16. I've got a refurbished TomTom from Woot but its got no Bluetooth capability or headset jack.
  17. Went to a wedding up there four years ago and stayed downtown in the Marriott. I was BLOWN AWAY at how desolate the city was then. Entire buildings boarded up. Like, four places to eat in the entire downtown. Rode the people mover around the circuit three times hoping that we'd see something worth stopping to look at... And when they started running those Chrysler commercials about a year ago? All I could think of was that rotting city and good fucking luck. GM wanted everyone to think that it was all gonna be rose petals and butterfly kisses and people actually bought into that advertising scam cause nobody knew any different than what they saw on TV... What a mind screw that was. But then nobody remembers that now... What a joke. What a shame, really.
  18. Welcome back and hope the better half gets well soon.
  19. meh, I'm wanting to get something a little sooner. My memory for remembering turn by turns sucks ass anymore and I'd rather enjoy the ride with some computerized bimbo whispering sweet directions in my ears...
  20. Ow-ow-fucking-ow! I laughed and Captain Morgan came out my nose. OW! Welcome to OR, btw. ow-damnit
  21. Yo... Eastside. 'Sup. Welcome to OR.
  22. Even with "inflation," $4500 a pound is a little pricey...
  23. I'm a little surprised that I couldn't find a thread on here already about GPS's, I know that quite of few of you use them. I've seen links posted to routes that look like they could be loaded directly into a device but I'm not at all experienced in how that works and which brand devices have that capability. Currently, I've used my "poor man's GPS", my smart phone, linked via bluetooth to my Chatterbox headset. It works ok for short hops around town, but lacks the flexibility to plan routes much in advance. Plus, I've had less than satisfactory results when I hope my Droid navi finds me some back roads. So what do you like and why? I'd like to make a purchase relatively soon and any advice is, as always on here, greatly appreciated.
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