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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. This morning, all the news stations were making reports of 91 dead and of those 20 were children. Now we have an official report from Oklahoma that the death toll is actually 24 with 9 of those being children. WTF??? What are people supposed to believe anymore? What impact will this type of overblown reporting have on the ability of relief agencies and charities to raise money in the event of future disasters? People could hardly be blamed for withholding support until the "real story" comes out.
  2. I always visit Mom and Dad's markers on Memorial Day morning to make sure the Boy Scouts put flags on them. Up for a ride after that! Subscribed...
  3. Just curious, since I've actually GOT some now... If someone gives me Rep, is it customary to shoot them a thanks or something to that affect? And if I give Rep, what exactly are the rules now? Have they changed with the new site? Is there a limit? Do I have to meet some criteria before I give? Just a thought...
  4. Hope you don't mind my resurrecting this thread? :-) Seemed to be relevant considering the changes lately.
  5. Liking the View New Content tab... However, didn't the old version show more of each poster's information like their geographical location? I was checking the "Monday, Monday, Monday" ride thread and was going to base my attendance on who all was coming from where but I don't see that information anymore?
  6. So at first I thought, "this is pretty cool." Then I realized that a "masseuse" is a woman. A man would be a "masseur." Kinda slathered fail-sauce all over it for me...
  7. I'd like to put a top box on my '01 VFR... What do you have that might work for me?
  8. Gad-demit... Just got homered with a honey-do. I'm out. I just knew buying that water garden shit on clearance last fall was bad karma...
  9. no worries, I've never been to Brian's place before so thought I might jump in with somebody that knows where they're going. and there's a Tim Hortons at 161 and 62 if you're looking for breakfast stop:D
  10. Good choice... Set up a defensible perimeter.
  11. LBTS GLWS Where you going? Bigger garage? Closer to work?
  12. Weather guesser says 30% chance of rain after 11 a.m. Still in!
  13. If you end up coming thru New Albany, either on 62 or 161, let me know when you're leaving and I'll try to jump in behind you. Unless the weather is real shitty, I'm in for Saturday.
  14. Just thinking through your description of the crash makes me believe that you were VERY lucky that there wasn't another car/truck coming along after the SUV. Shudder to think what could have happened. Heal up soon. Glad you're ok. Thanks for posting as I need a reminder to slow down myself.
  15. I am doubtful as of right now. Don't wait for me. On call is kicking my ass this week and I'd hate to have to split off from what's sure to be a great riding day. I'd like to stop by at KFC before you all take off for a little meet and greet but even that's uncertain. Enjoy the roads! Be safe! Use your heads. Have fun!
  16. Or maybe, joke em if they can't take a fuck?
  17. My post was before your video was posted up. Don't take it personally if you were doing the right thing...
  18. I'm on call, but if I get the kinks worked out in my Chatterbox set, I could be in for this... Really liked the route last time.
  19. ^^^ This Memorial Day is too far out for me to plan
  20. Sherriff Piper, "it's a betrayal of a trust to the public..."
  21. These threads are great entertainment... Thanks for joining and,
  22. Damn... ain't afraid to pray for you girl. GWS. On a side note, if that ever happens to me, don't stand around the side of the road and stare at me... get down there in the ditch with me and sit with me. Talk to me. Tell me I'm Ok and keep me from panicking... Just don't fucking move me. If I'm face down, tell me where I'm at and be calm about it. Just sayin.
  23. JohnG

    Bra Holster...

    Figures... I'm always one of the last to see the good stuff. Seems to me that the woman has to have an athletic figure to best use this... Any "dunlap" would interfere. Also seems that a larger rack hides the weapon better... Maybe they should offer a coupon towards an augmentation?
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