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Everything posted by gsxrnurse

  1. gsxrnurse


    I put my finger in someone's butt today but it was because his temperature was 103.2 and he barfed up the Tylenol I gave him.
  2. There's glass in her schnitzel.
  3. How about a Hoegaarden?
  4. Whatever dude. It was awesome. The hangover that ensued, however, was not.
  5. Please, nobody get me wasted tomorrow night. I end up in places I never meant to go. I never want to throw money at shitty again while the words "give some money to the whores" come out of my mouth again.
  6. My favorite part about Harbor Freight is that you can't make just one trip because everything you buy there breaks. One trip to buy it, one trip to take the crap back.
  7. gsxrnurse


    I finally got my first ride on the 1125 today and what a perfect day to go. All I can say is it feels awesomely different than any other Japanese bike I've ridden. Mmmmm beefy. It was cruiser-esq feeling with the handling of a sportbike's suspension. Me likey.
  8. Can't we just have them all? One for each day of the week, you see.
  9. Ok, why did I just laugh my ass off? I am not right.
  10. gsxrnurse


    You didn't ring the bell.
  11. You're only overpaid if there is someone who is willing to to do your job as well and for less money. Otherwise you are worth what the market dictates. Whether you like it or not, there are 10 mexicans in the home depot parking lot every day willing to do your job for less money. I've never seen 10 mexicans in the hospital parking lot trying to perform surgical operations. You know why a doctor get paid $200,000 a year? It's because they spend 8 years in college, 2-4 years in residency, and have at least $100,000 worth of debt.
  12. Between the chinese drywall, lead paint on children's toys, and the poisoned dog food, I'll just take my chances with letting the mexican guy do the surgery.
  13. Yeah, I think I'd rather pay a mexican $6 an hour to hang my drywall than to pay a mexican $6 an hour to do my kidney transplant.
  14. gsxrnurse


    No, I've worked the last 5 nights. My gloves are in my Audi and G took it to work today, so I'm waiting on him to get home. By the way, thanks for the tape/scissors/stethoscope holders! G stopped by and brought them to me at work last night.
  15. gsxrnurse


    Since I bought two bikes this year does that mean I can try to claim them both?
  16. There were at least 10 people shot there that were brought in to OSU last night. I guess I didn't realize that Schrock Rd was so hood.
  17. gsxrnurse

    Solo Cowl.

    The solo cowl for my zx10r came from ebay. It wasn't very expensive.
  18. gsxrnurse


    Udell and Jeremy, you guys suck. You get to hang out with my boyfriend AND the new bike while I get to work 16 hours tomorrow.
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