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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. You can always join on the deferred boobs plan...we don't need to see them RIGHT away. Women drivers should always have fees. :D:D
  2. Did you have a fire extinguisher with you? I'm pretty sure its on fire.
  3. Raising it up is too easy. I would help you out, but I won't be back for another couple months.
  4. If you know exactly what you want and just need a wrench, call someone local. If you want someone who's got enough experience to make your head spin, pick Ruben (35 Motorsports).
  5. It has only been a day and you're getting impatient?
  6. Quite a few people on the board go to OSU, myself included. I can't come to the applebees thing, but keep an eye out for my bike come June-ish.
  7. These are not motorcycle gloves people. Go buy some full leather gloves with stitching designed to stand up to some abuse. I've had some experience with the top gloves here in Iraq. The back of the glove is all cloth and is not designed for abrasion resistance at all. The knuckle is good for punching stuff, but that's about it. The palm is designed to protect your hands from the sharp edges of crew served weapons and humvee doors. We had people bust the stitching on brand new pairs of gloves when we were still training in the states. Hope this helps.
  8. at least SHE cant give you a red rocket show
  9. What do you need the Dayton MC club for? You're on Ohio Riders now.
  10. congrats. That's a good second bike.
  11. I also have the S10 from lenovo. Been using it for about a year and it does everything but actual computer games. The main differences are the small screen size and smaller keyboard, but you get used to both of them. It probably won't be your main computer, but it is beyond good for traveling and such.
  12. I'm in Iraq. You'll know when i get back. I'll be in Dublin for the summer with nothing to do but ride. It's only April, cut people some slack
  13. you have 3-6 grand to put on a down payment on another car youre going to wreck? If you want some honest advice, fix your damn car and learn some financial responsibility. Actually, after reading the post above, sell the fuckin "stang" and buy a civic. The car you drive does not determine your penis size, your penis does. And stick with the "learning financial responsibility" please.
  14. The problem is that if the front is all of a sudden lower, you need to lower the back the same amount to at least keep the bike a little bit normal. Its not going to handle as well while lowered, but if only one side is lower, its going to be worse than having both ends lowered.
  15. Bummer. If you want, I can let you know if I order and you can put something in.
  16. What happened to the bike that you're buying from? The forks should be straight and the seals shouldn't be leaky, the wheel should be straight with no bends in the rim, tire should hold air, etc...
  17. Yes you can upgrade it, and from I've read, it is a substantial improvement and it sounds like you're getting a hell of a deal on a front end. You will need wheel spacers and you will need to machine the stock triple clamps to make the holes just slightly bigger. You can take the clamps to anyone with a machine shop along with the forks from the R6 and they should be able to hook you up for a reasonable price. Also, the spacers can be bought from some dude on the SV forum. If you want to keep the stock handlebars you'll need to machine those out as well. I would post the link to the SV forum tutorial, but I'm lazy and they have a search button for you. Edit: This swap is just swapping out the forks/brakes/wheel. You keep the stock triple clamps (and handlebars if you want), and machine them out like 2mm. It keeps the stock ride height of the bike, unlike the GSXR swap, and its not blatantly obvious you swapped the forks like when you do the GSXR swap. The RSU R6 forks are less good than the GSXR forks, but they are hugely better than the stocker SV forks. Hope this helps.
  18. So I have to call and tell them "I'm Benyen Soljax, discount my rate bitches"?
  19. At first I thought you meant a new ACH. I was a little confused cause I already have 2 of those that I got for free edit: anyone have any experience with these?
  20. So do we need to go to the Sheraton website individually and make reservations or is it just that we will pay individually when we arrive?
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