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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. Benyen Soljax

    No caption

    From the album: HID how-to

  2. Benyen Soljax

    No caption

    From the album: HID how-to

  3. Benyen Soljax

    No caption

    From the album: HID how-to

  4. Benyen Soljax

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    From the album: coshocie

  5. Benyen Soljax

    No caption

    From the album: coshocie

  6. Benyen Soljax


  7. how many bikes has it claimed thus far? i dont have my sliders on so ill take her easy around there...
  8. buick awareness is a serious topic people. this should not be taken lightly.
  9. it was a joke yes. twistys.
  10. i think so...though i do like a good flat straight road
  11. pm me address and ph#. sounds like a plan.
  12. you guys down to ride later? me and another guy will be heading out from columbus about 2pm, and we were planning on heading to hocking since i hadnt heard back, but i wouldnt mind touring the coshocton area if i could get a tour guide. let me know a place to meet up.
  13. Benyen Soljax

    Rt 2009 side

    i dont have enough pants to look at this photo more than once daily.
  14. Benyen Soljax

    sad buick

    From the album: the bucket

  15. thats the initiative i like to see! we need to take out this buick theif so buicks can roam campus freely, just like God intended.
  16. they dont put the years in the paper, but theyre probably old crappy ones, cause this is campus, not a retirement community.
  17. someone around OSU campus in columbus has learned how to steal buicks, and is stealing like every buick around campus. i know in one weekend alone, 5 buicks were stolen, and lilblue told me of another one stolen this morning. i bet you thought nobody wanted your buick, huh?
  18. final tomorrow very tough, must study more procrastination
  19. and here i thought you were talking about the alcohol, and i was like "duh".
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