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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. go fast and meet us at the mcdonalds in carroll
  2. i dont feel there is enough research in that video. this thread is mislabeled.
  3. i know some roads. im a little slower in the twisties than some people, but i will plan the route.
  4. unplug the old one and put the new one in. is this a trick question? *looks around*
  5. were meeting at 1045am at the pony, on the road by 11am.
  6. ohio doesnt recognize points from tickets in other states. its beautiful. i got a 23mph over ticket in WV and nothing happened to my points. i even got a letter from the state telling me no points were added. how nice of them.
  7. 5) benyen - 04 R6 (red/black)
  8. mcdonalds is this the mcdonalds youre talking about? we should be able to get there around 1130 and head out. sounds good to me.
  9. im bummed i couldnt show tonight. i had to work till 7 tonight.
  10. it would be better if we could start at like 10 or 11. we dont have as much sunlight as we would in the summer, and in the summer i usually left around 11 or 12. my $.02. im seeing locations of westerville and dublin...i think a good place to meet would be iron pony. its over here on the north side on the way to eastern ohio. i would say 1030-1045 at the pony, leave by 11.
  11. just like an IRA, get started early. thats the plan. now i need the pan.
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