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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. there has been an empty space in my internet life that will once again be filled by bret soon.
  2. im not done with my exam until 118pm, then i gotta get home to my bike. maybe could move it to 2pm or 145pm-ish? im not going to get home before that.
  3. i think pre- and post- internet should be distinguished in a record like that.
  4. theyre redoing the old original as like an anniversary thing. trust me on this. i know toys.
  5. works for me. my bike is up in worthington so maybe we could meet somewhere around there since its on the way east. im thinking like the east side of the kroger parking lot at the worthington mall (southwest corner of 23-270). im game for longer rides, but i think about 5 hours will be the max we can get before the sun sets and we turn to stone.
  6. i have been told before that i am "the safest sportbike rider (someone) has ever met". i think they meant that im slow
  7. well being from that area i would think youre all about going east. theres a ton of great roads south and east of columbus, and lancaster is right on the tip of where the roads start. i dont really have a route planned...but i do have GPS.
  8. south and west sounds boring to me...
  9. im free at about 2-230pm. i was thinking about heading out to coshocton, or southern ohio, but i like to have more of a day when i go down there.
  10. can you get a pic of what the parking signage looks like?
  11. i think i met you at bike night once, do you like to wear sweaters when riding?
  12. i also have a final from 130-318 on thursday, so maybe we could do a friday thing?
  13. bummer. i cant tell you though. this is also my last quarter till iraq. oh, and thats what she said.
  14. emo didnt exist when i was in high school. kids were still goth back then.
  15. Benyen Soljax

    No caption

    too much kawi kid, not enough boobage.
  16. tomorrow were having like an open house poster thing in E100 from 1pm-3pm, if you wanna come see our sweet parts. unlike everyone elses, we made a toy sort of thing that you can play with and assemble. everyone else pretty much did statues. free cookies and pop.
  17. well spill the beans...this isnt a time to hold back. at least benyen soljax isnt spelled wrong ...so there
  18. i dont mean to rain on your parade, but do you know that rembrandt is spelled wrong?
  19. down to f***. as in "shittygsxr is DTF".
  20. if its your first bike, an sv650 or ninja 500 would be nice. newer svs are FI, which is nice. carbs are a pain in the bottom. and at that price, you could find a nice one. if you try and get a 600 supersport, youre going to be going back a few years to find one in that price range. and a 600 sportbike isnt really a beginner bike anywho.
  21. well the woods down in hocking hills make it dark rather early there, and theres bound to be a lot of sand and gravel on the roads from the winter. from what i remember from the last time i was in C-ton area, it was a lot of farmland, so the roads are a bit more open, and like the whole town is on the boards here, so theres always some people up there to ride with.
  22. i think you underestimate the power of coshocton.
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