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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. http://tailgunner-exhaust.com/ they have gatling gun exhausts or the jet engine kind of thing like you see in the icon bike. either would prob look sweet if you could make it fit.
  2. the two wrecks had nothing to do with being part of a group. usually wrecks in a group happen because someone is riding behind people above their heads in skill and dont ride at their level, but these were just bad luck. but go ahead and be negative nancy about it all.
  3. do you have randys and rustys contact info? i know they were asking me about going riding, but i didnt bother to get anything cause i thought everyone was on ohio riders.

  4. same difference...those things all look alike anyways...lots of chrome and very slow :D
  5. hes not on the boards yet...he was ok, wasnt going very fast and landed in a swampy ditch. he rode right behind me the whole rest of the day. hopefully he will join ORDN soon so we can bust his balls.
  6. thats g35tonv...that bike is beautiful, and his friend had a brand new 09 R6, and combined with the 08 R6 that twizted had, i had to ride up front so i wouldnt have a hard on the entire ride.
  7. guess it was you...
  8. does anyone know who that superhawk rider was? major props to him man...he gave that one person a ride home to get his truck and that persons bike...thats cool stuff.
  9. i was right behind the cbr that dumped. there was a harley in front of him and i was behind him. neither of us around him had problems and we had gone through worse conditions...he just had a spot of poor luck with the gravel.
  10. i wouldnt know. he was eating my gravel the whole trip.
  11. 374 blows chunks. 180 isnt much better. thats the roads where we had ppl go down. nice roads if they werent covered in poopoo.
  12. check the daily ride forum for my mega picture post of the ride today. i had a great time and it was good putting faces to bikes to names. AOW you had the orange vrod correct?
  13. prepare yourselves. thanks to everyone for making this a great ride, despite the circumstances. we had two individuals go down, but there are no serious injuries that i know of, and everyone got home safely. cant wait to ride some more with you guys (hopefully) before i leave.
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