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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. i know an 04 R6 thats for sale
  2. sounds like some people are just f***ing lazy. everyone says "give it to the other guy, we dont wanna do free work". lazy ass mofos.
  3. i got 2 and its bullshit and i contested and they upheld it. 50 bones a piece.
  4. has anyone dealt with a parking ticket in columbus before? the terminology in the ORC says they wont suspend your registration until you have 3 or more tickets unresolved. anybody have any dealings with the Columbus PVB? http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4521
  5. even if they wont pick it up, i know a lot of people here have trucks...just ask if anyone wants to do a little taxi service for a 6 pack or something.
  6. i was about to curse him as well for having a small head...
  7. ill give you 3800 cash for it.
  8. dude you need to suck it up and call a dealer...sitting around isnt doing anything. if you have the stock ecu, put it on. i wouldnt bother trying to get them to work on it WITH the juice box on there, as if the JB is bad, well, i just cant think of any positives of having that thing on there for them to work on. everyone changes the exhaust, and since the exhaust is the last link of the engine chain, and has nothing to do with oil delivery, it shouldnt do anything to the warranty.
  9. no pucks, just skating in a circle or oval.
  10. well i will be there right around 8, long sleeve black shirt with a navy shirt on top that says "troopers". give me a shout.
  11. meh...just go with the car for a month. sounds like too much hassle to take the bike up there, and ive gone through some ridiculous hassle to have my bike with me. (towed a trailer with an integra)
  12. weather seems to be taking a turn for the rain thurs. oh well. hopefully i can get another ride in before i leave.

  13. i know a guy who can take care of that for ya
  14. i was tailed today by a yellow porsche...but i dont think the driver knew anything about his car, he was just regular old tailgating.
  15. go to home depot and pick up some plumbing pipe and two caps, there should be ones about 3" dia that fit right over the end of the pipe, then JB weld that sum'bich on there. quiets it down a bit and is cheap. it wont be as quiet as stock but its a better sounding note.
  16. guess all that lead in my toys actually did something after all.
  17. So extreme. Too much of (insert word here)nick for me.
  18. lol @ baton...youre such a girl. The sit n spin is much more fun than it should be.
  19. free skate...just tool around on the ice for a couple hours and avoid hitting little kids
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