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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. please post, i need to fire some more bike ammo at my roomate...
  2. i made my mark on my bike, it was just all cosmetic. it was cheaper and more noticeable than anything i couldve done to the engine.
  3. well dude if you look at it as far as handling, high end sports cars win hands down. 4 wheels are much more stable. if it wasnt for the accel, even low end sports cars could smoke bikes on a really twisty course. you just gotta play the angle that works. oh and i always tell him that even though cars can corner better, its still more fun on a bike. he just huffs and puffs at me.
  4. yeah and if you slap a muzzy on the 250 you might as well fork up all the cash and knowhow for a jet kit as well. its easier to just forget about it and ride the bitch until you get comfy and then buy something newer.
  5. bikes are the cheapest way to go fast. me and my roomates have had many arguments about this. my final point is the amount of money it takes to put into a car that will go faster than a 600cc bike. its pretty ridiculous if you just go by OEM cars. thats not even to mention a 1000cc or busa/14
  6. wow garret, never knew you bat for the other team...
  7. not trying to rag on you guys in particular, im just saying that 555 looked a little less dog-leggy from the south of 78. its always a crap shoot on a route you never took before. so if shittygsxr shits himself, what is he then?
  8. i mean you can use google maps as well as the rest of us. you can clearly see on your route, that you picked the wrong way to go on 555 unfortunately. looks like it got pretty good south of where you met up with it. just look for squiggly lines on Gmaps, thats all i do.
  9. funny, the weather (and roads) out in new england has been pretty ok. in fact, ill ride an extra bunch of miles tomorrow in memory of columbus.
  10. so now for the advertising...who did the work?
  11. their cities are flourishing, but the countryside in china is centuries behind AFAIK.
  12. but generally federal loans have the lowest rate you will find anywhere (excluding special offers) for similar loans. i hear this guy might be able to help:
  13. can anyone who has an 03-05 R6/06-08 R6S post up some pics/tutorial on how to remove the middle fairing from the bike? i was trying to get it off to install my frame sliders but it seemed to be stuck on something that i couldnt figure out. i thought it was just rubber grommet matings, but i was pulling pretty hard and didnt want to do anything bad. the front wheel well area was providing some heavy resistance, but i had all the screws out. thanks.
  14. plenty of people on this site seem to own their own business if they give you any trouble.
  15. this sounds like the best idea...
  16. pm satan? rvt john changed his screen name a few weeks ago cuz his old one was just hard to tell people when they asked "whats your name on the board?"
  17. good to have you back bret!
  18. can you get some dimensions on the table? that looks like a decent set i wouldnt mind having.
  19. sounds like the most exciting thing to happen to C-bus since the blizzard of '78!
  20. 4'9" chicks ftw! pocket sized, easily stowable in carry on luggage, the first to join the mile high club.
  21. yep. at higher speeds its a very rapid vibration and trying to stop at low speeds is goofy to say the least. i ordered some used oem rotors (2xxx miles on them) from ebay, but i havent gotten any shipping notification yet so im hoping the guy was just lazy and has already shipped them.
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