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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. well if youre referring to the horsepower in my 250, then i sure as hell hope i got something else to work with. and in all honesty, im only riding to pick up flounder. the specific situation im referencing because a friend at work was test riding his buddies scooter, and some girls pulled up next to him in a jeep and were pointing and giggling...he usually rides a VTX 1300.
  2. +1, guess ill never race anyone on my 250.
  3. still a scooter... if i had to ride by some hot chicks on a machine and my two choices were a ninja 250 and a scooter, i dont care how many CCs the scooter has...id take the 250.
  4. im guessing by yesterdays tech, he meant "yesterdays looks"
  5. peanut butter oil? where do you people come up with the notion to try this stuff on a painted surface? i guess when i get drunk i dont try scrubbing things with all sorts of random fluids :D but seriously, flounder sucks.
  6. so one of the previous two idiots that owned my bike waxed it with car wax. he got some splash on the frame as well as the seat. anyone know how to get that shit off of those textured surfaces? (i tried scrubbing, and flounder is too far away to have him suck it off)
  7. yeah im in NH doing an internship right now, but ill give you a shout out when i get back in june.
  8. too bad its still a scooter
  9. probably about as much of "yesterdays tech" as the ninja 250, and that seems to be a pretty decent bike.
  10. yeah i feel you. im working on my ME degree. you know where youre going to be working yet?
  11. i know the place, used to live in Neilwood gables myself.
  12. people that comment on internet articles/videos never cease to amaze me with the most idiotic comments i have ever read, ever.
  13. whats your degree in, if you dont mind my asking?
  14. first pro race? whats the scoop? you gonna sport an ohioriders sticker on the track?
  15. HA! i have your plate numbers and im gonna go steal that NSX now! take that society!
  16. yeah, i posted an article about this a number of weeks ago...
  17. Benyen Soljax


    thats pretty sick!
  18. ive got a center stand, but i think it would be possible, not easy, but possible. you would need some other sort of supportive object. i find wooden pallets to work fairly well if they are well constructed. you might want to have some friends too.
  19. shitty helped me out with my tires. my 250 was probably a lot easier than real sportbikes, but it took us like 15 minutes or so to remove both wheels and another 15 -20 to put them back on. the hardest part is going to be tensioning the chain if you have to do that...
  20. i talked to him a couple times too. id say he was the catcher probably...
  21. liar, you stole that from when i dyno'd my 250!!!
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