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Everything posted by thomez

  1. well let me know, I might ride down and do one of the dinner meetup things and I could bring it
  2. I'm in NE Ohio in Portage County I think it is worth $400 and will come with a couple hundred rounds of WWB that I never put through it.
  3. I have one that is like new with less than 50 rounds through it that I'm considering offering for sale. It seems to be a rather expensive paperweight and I could probably use the money more wisely.... (mods, of course )
  4. Will do, thanks for the advice! Hopefully I'll see you at one of the Cleveland group rides
  5. on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270255462321&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123
  6. too much of a pain in the butt, wouldn't be able to hear it anyways, then you have to worry about where to store it when you aren't around, etc.
  7. I'll get a picture of it, but it looks just like a brand new one
  8. SOLD! kid just left with it sold my EXO-700 helmet for $50, could have got more on Ebay but I could have got a couple hundred less for my bike too so I thought I'd sell it to the kid for that
  9. welcome dude I plan on applying to Case for grad school this winter, got any connections in Anthropology??
  10. thanks guys dude called me and he's on the way from Buffalo, gonna be here at like 10pm tonight I'm gonna spray it off, lube the chain and clean the brakes off by taking it up and down the street gonna try and sell him my matching helmet as well, it's a Scorpion EXO-700 .... any idea what it would be worth, used 1 year and in good condition?
  11. so far so good but I'm crossing my fingers
  12. only day I could participate is Sunday but I'm so busy on most Sundays (soccer and softball) that I'm not going to vote for it because I'm not sure how often I could attend....
  13. well I think I have this thing sold already - for my asking price no less dude is supposed to pick it up Thursday night with a check from his bank I'm stoked
  14. already put a deposit on the ZRX that is now my avatar picture, just have to sell my bike etc and then go pick it up in just under 2 weeks
  15. yeah, I hadn't changed anything (av or profile) until I actually had the beast, but I should do that
  16. I wasn't home, unfortunately. I don't think it would have made it home alive if I was though.
  17. thanks I just can't wait to get this new bike ........
  18. Saturday in August would be good
  19. A neighbor's pit attacked my dachshund and almost killed him just last week
  20. Well I talked to a kid today who seemed pretty interested and is supposed to call back in the morning Hopefully he takes it
  21. it didn't appear to be the same thing but I don't really know the BMW lineup at all and thought I'd pass it along anyway
  22. once you hit a certain MPH over you can be cited for reckless operation which can put you in the back of a cruiser
  23. There's a BMW touring bike on Craigslist, thought I'd pass it on though I don't think it is the same as what you posted http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/744888950.html
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