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Posts posted by Chrisoh

  1. pretty sure im going to do this, just waiting to here from steve d.

    will there be a tire guy there to change out tires if we need them to? or will they only do purchased from them michelin tires?

    also what about the wreck rule?

    If you need tires changed i'll have my tire changer and can do it.

  2. yeah, he said he used to race an SV650. I googled "mike graham mid ohio" and the first result was something about him racing an SV.

    what kind of times are intermediate and advanced riders running at mid-ohio?

    Can vary from 2:00ish to mid 1:40s. you never know.

  3. oh i know ive spent a lot of time over seas and the drivers/and drivers ED for most other countries is so much better than over here

    Yeah the week I spent in South Africa I was amazed at how well everyone drove.

    And from talking to people in Europe whoe come over here they are shocked at how bad Americans drive.

  4. I can help after the first couple of sessions. Once I get things running, I can go out. I can help you and ChrisOH a bit for sure.

    As for Putnam, it is on Sunday and then I have two days back to back at Mid-Oh... So, it's not looking good, but I am not going to say "no" at this point. We'll see.

    Sounds good. First thing I need to do is make a fairly drastic line change in T1. Starting my turn in just as I hit the bridge is seeming to be way to early.

  5. roundabouts are actually statistically safer... in the UK and germany in smaller towns thats all they use.. but in the bigger cities.. and in places that aren't used to them or by people that dont understand them.. they are a nightmare

    Yeah but over in Europe and across the world Cagers actually pay attention to driving and what they are doing... Here most are just Clueless airheads (male/female) behind the wheel.

    I love the roundabouts but hate being around others at them cause you can just tell they are baffled by the pretty signs and can't figure out what to do next.

  6. My favorite was carrying speed through 3-4-5. I was taking it easy until the instructor told me he was hitting 5th gear back in there. I am so addicted to this stuff its not even funny.

    3-4-5 was fun. 5th gear, dang someone was geared short.

    My lap on the 1k went 2nd onto the front straight, 3rd at start finish. Down to 2nd for T2. Briefly into 3rd gear on shoot to T3, then back to 2nd.

    3rd gear before Kink and then 3rd all the way around to the last corner then down to 2nd there.

  7. GOD AWEFULL PHYSICAL!!! but it was pretty awesome, i wasnt expecting much in technicality after watching the youtube videos but it was very technical. it was easy for me to catch onto because it reminded me of tracks i used to race at in the old kart. plenty of late apex turns that forced you to carry as much momentum as possible and force yourself to brake as late as possible, which i still need to work on. overall i was very please dwith the track, i just wish it had a longer straight away so i had time to recover from the constant turning!

    Now you know why I was cussing the Flagger in the 20 lap race from about lap 13 to wave the damn Checker...

    That 1000 on that track just ate me for lunch (that and first ever arm pump). From lap 7 I was braking with my middle finger to pinky cause those were the only fingers I could open to reach the brake. It took me a couple hours to be able to open my right hand.

  8. oh i absolutely loved the track!!! the constant change of direction, the short straights and the bumps and seal strips made it badass!! and i loved my gearing for this track!! it was even pretty fun for a session in the rain!!! at first i had trouble with 7 but with some help from an awesome instructor i got my line down pretty well through there. I almost highsided in 3 and always seemed to mess up 2... I would have to say favorite series of turns was 8-9-10 by far!! i just seemed to really rail those in!!!

    My strong point was T1 and somewhat the 5-6 Double apex. But 7 I struggled the most as I knew had time there but I could not get a reference point to turn in hard to hit the apex (right at the dirt spot) on the inside to miss that bump. If went in early I would almost run off the track, and if I stayed till I could see I was running way to slow.

    I fought spin issues out of 2 all weekend (and lead to my highside out of 9 trying to get 2nd place back).

    Did you feel the 3 bumps I was talking on the back straight?

  9. After it happened, the lever seemed to come back farther then it use too and had very little initial bite then seemed to grab hard. When it did that, the whole front end of the bike would start to shake up and down. I let it cool down during lunch that day and went back out for 4 more sessions and didn't really have any issues, but did notice it when I was hard braking and the end of the back stretch. Its just more of a feeling of less confidence in them now then I had before.

    I have Speigler SS lines front and back and I had just put on Carbone Lorraine SBK5 front pads. I had schmuck install all those and no we didn't scrub the pads before putting them on. Or the rotors. The stock rotors right now are blackened and somewhat spotted. We bleed the lines through with a full bottle of new fluid, but I will run some more through just to make sure theres no bubbles that were tucked away and became free.

    As for the MC, I was looking at the Brembo RCS but I wasn't sure if it would work with my Speigler lines or not. Anyone heard about new MC's not working with SS lines?

    If your rotors are spotted and blackened they are glazed. They need to be sanded to take the glaze off.

    When they are glazed what can happen is the pads actually slip on the rotor and don't have any bite. So as you squeeze harder and harder they may start a slip grab type behavior.

    Take your front wheel off, take the rotors off, and then sand them down (evenly) to get rid of the smooth spots on the rotor.

  10. Just stopping hard and doing an small stoppie shouldn't damage the rotors, You may have glazed the pads and rotors. Take some sand paper to both pads and rotors to remove any glazing or material.

    Did you sand the rotors before putting new pads on to remove residue brake material?

    If it did warp a rotor you may want to verify the calipers are not dragging to much on the rotors adding heat.

    Is what you feel at the lever or the wheel/rotors?

    Also look at EBC rotors. They are reasonably priced and work very well, I ran a set for a couple years on my 98 CBR 973 and never had a stopping issue.

    If it only happened for a short time after one hard stop, Lizard could it have been the pad got shifted in the caliper or a piston was sticking a bit?

  11. It is a fun track, but honestly more technical then Grattan due to being some what flat, little to no curbing which at lean you can lose all sight of the track.

    entrance to T4 was pucker area when you try to counter steer the bike into the kink and realize the front has not hit the ground yet out of T3.

    The 20 lap was the only time I have had arm pump, have been lapped, but was happy I was lapped. After about 1/2 way I was ready for the race to be over.

  12. Chris, onboard isn't going to give the true perspective. Think about runoff or lack thereof. The idea is that yes, they moved walls or tried to make things safer. Cool on the track. BUT, the AMA should have never gone to a track such as what Topeka was. They should have never signed off on allowing that track in the firt place.

    If you saw Herrin and another guy run off in the area with the ditch, you'd have seen that the ditch wasn't safe at all. Better than concrete, but that's like saying bullets won't kill you as bad as a grenade...

    The idea is simple. ANY new track brought on to the series needs to be set at a high standard. Meaning, there are tracks that aren't the best. However, they make efforts to try each year to better the facility in the safety aspect. Mid-Ohio moving walls, Road Atlanta changing the track layout, etc. They are existing tracks making changes to STAY on the curcuit.

    Now, allowing a shit hole track to be NEW to the series (ok, they used to be on the series, but were dropped...) should be safer than most. Barber, Miller, etc...

    There's no excuse and what Pegram stated about MM is total crap. He knows that he stood a better chance than had MM been there. Of course, his ex WSBK machine somehow makes the grade to race the series, but that's another story... Point is that some guys have balls and stand up for EVERYONE'S safety. Not just because they are having a tough qualifying session, etc.

    I think what Hacking and MM did took balls. I think them being worried about the other riders and hoping the others followed suit was noble and the right thing to do. If the guy running in 21st did it, think it would have mattered? The point leader doing it is impactful and raises concerns. Or should have...

    I think when MM comes back, there's going to be less trying on his part. He'll do enough to wrap it up and then he may just cruise around. Who knows. Why bother if the result is nothing? He's tried and tried. Someone could have gotten killed and THEN he would have been looked at as a righteous man. Happily, nobody did and that's great.

    Do you think the walls would have been moved had he and Hacking stayed and said nothing???

    I didn't get to watch much of the races, and by what Todd is saying there are walls close enough to touch when on the track in a corner, and you can't see that from the Speed channel feeds so the public don't get to see it, and that is something I think it is something Speed may have done on purpose.

    I know you won't get the true nature of run off from video (Heck Nelson ledges doesn't look as bad as it is from on board) but I still think on board will give a better idea of wall placement then the Speed Channel feed.

  13. FYI, 600s be ready for headshake on the back straight.. 1000s be ready for 3 hill/bump wheelies down the back straight.

    Biggest tip is try to use your legs as much as you can. This track has only 2 very short straights to rest, the rest is changing direction braking or acclerating.

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