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Posts posted by Chrisoh

  1. Is it ok if I make fun of you for knowing that? :D

    and I will probably need another tire changing soon if you still have your tirechanger I have some cash... I hadn't seen you on here in a while so I figured I would ask while I could.

    I don't care. It is my social life so won't bother me.

    Yeah I can change the tires... Just did a Yamaha tour deluxe rear last weekend. I hate changing Cruiser tires tube or no tube.

  2. Warcraft now has a Achievement to go into that spot and kill 15 of those drakes and you then get Jenkins Title after your name in the game.

    ex. my character is Wastedspace. once I got get the achievement I will be seen as Wastespace Jenkins to all who play on my server.

    Now if I can find it i'll post it it is World of Wifecraft and it even has a reference to this bit.

  3. Yes Seals can be overlooked, but as bad as it was when he made it to my house there is no way it wasn't bad when the dealer took ownership of it is all I am saying.

    And Yes on Decel at slower speeds the bike did pull/try to lean to the right. It took pressure on the left clip on to keep it straight. No maybe on a perfectly flat road with flat tires it wouldn't pull.

    Would be a good experiment. Take two springs 100lb and 600lb spring set them a 10 inches apart. take a metal rod and have a press with a swiviel head push a metal par down direcly in the center of the springs. First slow push then a fast initial push.

    I bet at slow the bar may not tilt due to the fact that the softer spring will sill keep tension on the bar and just compress at the rate of the stiffer spring.

    But a hard initial hit I think the weaker spring will give more initial and up with the bar leaning to one side.

    Need to call mythbusters to do that one.

  4. It obviously didn't occur right away with the OP. They test rode it and I am sure they went through it. A lot of dealers take in trades and go through the stuff, but they don't do leak down checks and they don't do things like compression checks if everything runs fine and works good. Thus, the "as-is" statement... If they went through the motor with a fine tooth comb, they'd offer a warranty.


    Yeah unless someone was watching this bike pull away and the rider hit the gas it would not be very noticeable.

    However if they had ridden it, the fork leak would have been very prevalent and noticeable by a mechanic.

    I think the situation with the original owner leaving the bike there for months not sure if he wanted to trade it in played a part. I just don't think they even rode it before Dave bought. As by the time he rode it home, to work, then to my house (about 20 miles total) I would say the bike was a hazard to ride at anything over 30 mph in a straight line.

  5. If the owner makes it right then at least he is doing the right thing, but the sales staff / and service need to be looked at.

    There is no way that bike if it was even moved around by a mechanic they wouldn't havent know there was something wrong with the forks. I know it had lost oil when it made it to my house, but even just pulling it off the side stand it would pogo because the right fork at least wouldn't settle. I Rode it down the hill at 10-15 mph and it pulled right the whole way because of the fork.

    My guess is they took this bike in and since the other customer left it there not sure he was going to trade it in they never looked at it, then sold it to a customer. Now if Dave had kept riding this bike I know it would have ended badly as this bike was not farm from a nasty tank slapper from letting off the gas or hitting a pot hole.

    Now the motor in defense to Middletown (if they never reved the bike since they had it) the smoke isn't noticeable at idle or even 4-5k RPM at idle. But you can see under load, but the test rider would see it untill they get it up to 10k or so (but even then if no one is watching they won't see it).

    However had they ridden it before selling it the fork would have been a dead giveaway.

    But a salesman saying a bike is immaculate that has not even been looked by a mechanic, and then not taking of the problem at the first sign says that the sales team needs to be addressed and policy that used bikes are gone over by service before sale to avoid this issue again.

  6. Yeah 10/22 will be a great place to learn, yeah right... If you aren't getting passed mid corner by every Rossi Wannabe out on that stretch..

    It is different if it is a few friends asking you to follow them and give them tips. If you turn this into trying to get them to mimic you then your asking for it. Most riders the first time they try something new and it goes wrong (even if speed isn't up) you will be blamed.

    First time they try to hang off to far and end up pulling the bike farther and low side cause they don't know what they are doing you will be blamed.

    Now if you put this out and say I will follow you and give you pointers at the end you may be ok, due to it is them who are doing everything first. If something happens with them following you, your life will be FUBAR.

    Hell my dad's only track crash was because he was trying to remember what the instructor just showed him.

  7. Oh, there are plenty of examples of guys on turds older than that Katana. They used to race those so, they aren't out of the realm of being able to ride them well on the track. Even stock.

    Now a guy on a KZ1000 with only suspension mods (read front internal valves and oil and WB rear shocks - dual, that is) running sub :50s at Mid-Ohio and showing kids a wheel 1/3 his age is impressive...

    Reminds me of watching Bill Bloom race at Nelson.. Can't remember if he was mid 70s or in his 80s, racing the same KZ1000 he raced in the Daytona 200 in the 70s.

  8. He'd probably drop a few seconds if he'd quit looking over his shoulder...

    Nice target fixation at about the :50 mark by the vid guy...

    Other than that, a lot of guys are out killing it on purely stock machines. I've seen a certain guy annoy SV650 riders on a stock CRF450 motard at Putnam. They'd only get him on the straights and he'd CRUSH them in the corners... Stock rear shock and simply oil change in the forks...

    Always a neat deal when guys ride well on stock bikes...

    At Putnam or Mid OH? there is a guy/kid who trails his CRF motoard to the track with his Goldwing.. :D He is pretty quick from the times I have watched that session.

  9. I still wish I had gotten a Busa for my street bike. (K6-7) They Busas will handle the curves well enough for the street and you can get the same thrill. But I also liked to take long trips and it would have been nice (did weekend to Macon, GA in 2007 on GSXR 1000).

    The thing is the Busa for years was the bike to own, thus a lot of people bought the bike and the ones you see (because they aren't out riding all the time) are the ones who ride a hangout and hang around their bikes for 3-4 hours...

    But the bike is completely capapble of handling the twisties (yeah may be a tad slower, but you still get the same thrill rush) at respectable pace, and a rider can do a 10 hour day no probs. Throw a set of Heli bars and some bags on and you got a darn fine touring bike.

  10. I like the blk/grn 600 and the white/ble/red 1000rr the others are just Blah to me.

    To me they still haven't even come close to matching their 98 blk/red CBR 900rr for graphics.

    Now if they came out with that again in a CBR 1000rr I don't know if I could resist trading in no matter how uncomfortable the Hondas are to me now.

  11. I saw that STT handles licensing for WERA, how long does it take for STT to get you a WERA license? What's that program entail from an STT standpoint?

    I believe you take their PRO school, then upon completion you can get your Provisional WERA License by sending a copy of your certificate, then go racing.

    Just another method of doing the School portion (similar to WERA Rider's school) for your license.

    Dang still couldn't beat Lizard. :p

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