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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Chrisoh


    That is cause us GDC peeps are post whores and must post on any board we can....
  2. Chrisoh


    Now you going to go all High and mighty here I think you need the Cincy Wanker here. I really have no group to ride with anymore down here. As most are lunatics on the street or stunters.
  3. What do you know about lean?????? I can't see the pics, but what kind of pressures you running on the bike? I just did 1300 miles of nothing but highway this weekend and there is a small flat spot, but I set my pressures at like 40 psi cold to minimize the flat spot. Now I still can barely feel the tire go over it when leaning.
  4. Why the hell do they want you to have tags for a facking dirt bike. That is ass N nine.... Once you do that then you have to have insurance, what a crock... Hey guys I will be free the Weekend of the 29th so if you decide to head north that weekend, I will hook up then....
  5. Hey Lizard, I was wandering when you would wander in here. Did you see I think I found the issue with the 600??
  6. I was about 30 miles or so south of Macon this weekend and rode down. caught a few sprinkles Friday night but mostly I was just behind the rain so I got all th spray. There on the interstate if you don't do 80 you get run the hell over.... Didn't ride much down there but roads ain't bad.. You need to be in north Georgia for most of the good roads. The nice thing about Georgia is you are close to a lot of awesome Road Race tracks. Jennings in FL, Road Atlanta, Barber, Talladega GP (not the NASCAR place), Roebiling Rd, VIR,
  7. No, Flounder was to busy spanking the flying monkeys...
  8. When ya planning on riding? I may come up with you all Sunday... PM me the location and I will try and get up there.
  9. Had a few more decals and a Paint chip now from saddle bags.... :cry
  10. Yeah I want to hit that Flat track for a few hours.. Did Flounder get out with you guys?
  11. Actually there is another type. Those who go down repeatedly..... Me for one..... Glad you are ok though...
  12. More accurate then most suzuki Speedos from the Factory :lol
  13. Still won't need it. 2nd will pop up just as easy as 1st at the same speeds. My KX 250F actually has a pretty tall first gear. I can run up to about 30+ mph (seat of the pants speedo) in first.
  14. I dropped my RM once trying to get a good run up my hill around my pool to try and get some air. Rear just spun out right then left then down.... Then about dropped it again first time really ridding it practicing backing the rear in. FYI you guys on a 250 two stroke you will not need to use 1st gear. I found that out from a buddy whom I let borrow my RM 250 to race at a little track in KY last winter. He didn't even use 1st gear for the launch.
  15. I got 2 cameras we can setup for multi angle shots for the DVD version..
  16. If you are doing jumps you are more likely to get injured then say crashing at 80 mph on the track... I may try and get on mine at a buddies place that has his own motor cross track and get working on learning to jump a bit.
  17. Yeah if they don't have any dirt experience they are in for a rude awakening.... I had a RM 250 and it was so twitchy and hard to ride I had drop down to a 250 four stroke. That bike is much easier to handle and power is smoother closer to a street bike, not all or nothing like them 2 strokes. I may have to drive up and run with you guys.
  18. Chrisoh

    2008 ZX10r

    Nah Body is ok, it is just they use Brakes by Matel I think.
  19. You runnign the full cart track. I did a 30 min session in cart there and liked to killed me.. It was after a day of racing, but still the G-Force those little cars put on you is un real. They had a race on Sunday there and I saw they were running almost an oval type pattern... I thought what a waste of the carts abilities.
  20. Chrisoh

    Bent Wheel

    I am using a set now that was bent from my 2002 crash at Putnam turn 2. The guy you want to look for is Will Babb, he is great and reasonably priced wheel repair. Yours looks like an easy fix for him. Will Babb - Cell: (864) 787-1351 He moved last year so I don't have his new address, but this should get you in contact with him. kgarland1@charter.net
  21. Wow, I drink 1-2 16 oz ZERO rockstars at the track, mainly cause I keep forgetting my Salt Tablets.... I will not forget teh salt tablets this weekend, I will not forget,,What was it again?
  22. Chrisoh

    2008 ZX10r

    What kind of price you seeing on ebay??? FYI the Prolites for $340 a set are already lighter and full floating.
  23. Chrisoh

    2008 ZX10r

    Yeah I don't think any of us try to prove anything on the street. I know my limits on the street which is about 60-70% of my track limit depending on the road and how I am feeling. If someone wants to go faster more power too them. But I am also a decent follower on the street I can run faster safer with a rabbit in front to give me a idea on the corner approaching before I get there. A buddy I ride with (whom I began to learn from) even after I was track riding and moving up to advance when we got on the road neither of us could leave the other. Even though the first time he got on Mid OH in the same session I was in, I smoked him into the Chicane and I was planning on a drafting his 1000 down the backstraight when I saw him on the front straight. Then I caught him quicker then i thought i would and it was like well I guess I will just go now.
  24. Chrisoh

    2008 ZX10r

    Yeah I won't be using the rotors I had at mid oh this weekend in Michigan. They weren't as bad as yours, but noticeable on the brakes. I am checking with WERA to see if the Pro-lites are legal or if I have to buy stock. $170 a piece is better the $220 a piece for stock.
  25. Chrisoh

    2008 ZX10r

    I gots to show flounder up close and personal last time at Mid OH..... Though I was surprised how quick he did run there his 3rd time ever on the track. That 1k sure feels like it could be a easy bike to ride if I could get used to the thin tank. My 06 is a littel twitchy but I hope a custom map will fix that some. But that 07 of Flounders the fueling is smooth all the time.
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