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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. I sat on the new BUSA and I don't like it. The reach to the bars is out there. Yeah that white and the gold one are great.
  2. Heck, my dad says he has more fun commuting on our 150cc 4 stroke Scooter then he does on his Royal Star Tour Deluxe or 2000 TL-1000s
  3. Well I started on a 93 Yamaha Seca II 600 that had about 60 hp then after 2000 miles and 2 months of riding, two crashes (first was 7mph 2nd time on the bike) I moved up to a TL-1000s 97 Bad A$$ model year with no issues. I took the first 3000 miles to learn the bike, then started imporving my skill from there. Didn't have another crash till my CBR 929 in 2000. Kind of why I suggest the SV 650 as it is a good mixture and is a fun bike for both new riders and Veteran Racers. I couldn't afford the Ninjas at the time so Seca it was. And got a great deal on it. $2000 in 97 then traded it in for $2000 in march of 98. Then saw in the paper they were going for $2500 at least.
  4. Quit your whining. I did 10hr trip from South GA on my 06 GSXR 1000 Labor day.. Then a weekend trip again to Nashville the next weekend.
  5. They do, it is just how they make the power that is different. (yes I know your not saying you want a 1000 this is just a comparison for information. Figure I was chasing a 05 GSXR 1000 at the first race of the year for the Race lead on my 03 GSXR 600 (I even beat the guy later in the year at a differen track). The 600 doesn't make arm jerking power until about 8k rpm even with 1/2 throttle. You give 1/2 throttle to a 1000 then it acclerates harder then a 600 at full throttle from 4k rpm on.. My opinion the best starter bikes are the Ninja 500 and the SV 650 since they are 2 cylinders which will make learning taking off easier with more torque and better low RPM behavior... Both have Adequate brakes and suspension for new riders, and can easily be improved for cornering with just better tires and better brake pads and lines...
  6. XB is right on except if your first bike and you still want to drag race get a 600 it will help you learn to ride then help you learn launching and clutch work. If you still want to go fast, carve corners, drag race, and still cruise for long trips comfortably get standard like a FZ-6, SV, Kawi Z750, GS-500 (then move to Bandit 1250),
  7. No Flouner is the worlds biggest Asshat, Get it right...
  8. I am in IT and have never hacked anything. I twist the throttle not hack at night...
  9. Yellow is for Caution Slow Rider. Blue or Orange is for Red is for Look at me Black is for Don't look at me Green is for Outcast Purple is for Grey is for
  10. Yeah it was the Tire. Mid OH is too abrasive for a Soft. Maybe on a cooler day in the 70s. I ran a Medium rear Monday for 4 sessions and it looked brand new and was handling awesome.. I wished I could have gotten a session on the Bridgestones I just put on the new 1000. Oh well Next year... I think if I could have gotten with someone Monday I could have gotten 36-37s, I was able to run 39:00 and 38.6 with nobody around.
  11. We will see :shifty...... Cause I better get faster too damnit. I gots 5-6 seconds to sniff the front next year.
  12. Nah your just the guy with his up an asshole.... Welcome. I am the Loser of the board....
  13. I can school ya.. Just ask flounder how well my 600 schooled him... Yeah I would love to ride a SV on the track. They have their own class to race in at the Amateur level and it is a big class.
  14. Heck if USA got the CBR 250rr or the GSXR 400s I saw over in South Africa. I would have one for the track. A bike like that to just wail on would be fun as hell.
  15. I know I am going Nucking Futs over here....
  16. only 5,000 miles??? Hell I don't change my chain and sprockets till at least 10k miles. I just went +2 on the rear sprocket with out changing chain and front. Now when I am ready for a chain I will be going to 520 chain and -1 +2 on the sprockets on the street 1k. Hell I had 3+ years on one sprocket on my race bike.
  17. I think we need to really show this site a true GDC threadJack Where is RJM...
  18. Well, no the inbreeding hasn't but the inbred generally are to blame.... Well they say the bike reflects the owner... Damn I guess I need to do some damage to mine now..
  19. I think his 3 toothed relatives Sister/Mother and Father/uncle are what causes his randomness. What can you exect, Name says it all.
  20. Oh it is on.. But ever since I started riding the K6 my right hip and pelvis is hurting more (Car vs. Bike Episode 1 was a dent in the tank of a CBR 929 with my right pelvis). But also when cranked over the K6 versions have no seat surface area near the tank so there is nothing rest on. I can feel it in my leg and right foot on the right turns. But the 1000 sure does turn good.
  21. $3600 isn't a bad price if just a cracked fairing is all, but I would try to talk him down. Hell a early 90s Seca II 600 still goes for $2500 or so. once bikes hit the $4k mark they really stop depriciating from there. Hell the Motor is bullet proof, But if you can wait till NinjaNick's come available for that price then jump on that.
  22. Yeah I think I am going to try that next time, as over the hill 3rd is ok, but the run down it. I am just not carrying enough speed over it to stay in 3rd. I will have to hold the kink there longer so I can get the bike up right more for the down shift (no slipper on the 600). The 1k 3rd is good enough right now, but as I get used to the bike may run 2nd.
  23. Yeah I need to get more agressive over the hill into Thunder valley. I accidentaly did a no brakes into 13, but luckily didn't rush into it. I am mixed between what gear I want on the 600 for that section, and am having a issue with entering 11 too soon and cutting my drive into thunder.
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