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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Who the hell cares about the exhaust I would say 1 in a 1000 sportbikes are using the stock exhaust.
  2. Cause I like my street so I will be picking up a 06 1k next week that has Full Ohlins (25mm cartridge) front and back. Complete Dynojet System, and full TI Sato pipe (currently has a Leo Vince can) and a new set of Pirellis. Wired and will be painted and ready to go...
  3. Well I am getting my liter next week for Putnam.. Maybe I can now smell Rubens exhaust for more then one corner.... Sounds good, yeah I never got to be around you on the back straight as you just snipped me into 6 then you were gone over 7
  4. Well most racers won't use the Brembos MCs cause in WERA they are not supersport legal. You may need to double check your pads and rotors for glazing. Also if you want more initial bite you can jump up to SRJLs from Vesrah. They have a good initial bite and are very progressive. Also as I said above check the dial setting on your Lever. Make sure it is the farthest out as that gives the fastest initial response.
  5. Shitty have you set your lever on the number 1 mark on the dial? I know a buddy who has the 05 600 (same brake setup) who runs just Vesrah pads and ss lines and has no problems. If your lever is never getting firm then you need to keep bleeding, maybe have a shop to a bleed just to be sure. Check your fittings to make sure no banjos are loose or bound up. Also make sure you are using DOT 4. The $70 fluid is mainly for the 1ks who brakes have always been shit and get more work. The stock setup on the street is fine and is easily a 2 finger stoppie.
  6. They have fine feel, your pads an your lines are what will give you the feel you need. I am trying to get him to just buy a set of EBC Prolite Rotor for his 750, but $350 is too much for a set. Cheepo. I used the Prolites on my CBR 900 and had great results with them. Main reason i went to Galfer waves was Fade issues, but since I can't run them for racing I had to give them to my dad.
  7. Lizard you going to get another bike for next year? I may hit you up and see if you want to do an endurance race next year as I want to try it once. I may try and beg Ruben to help me at Putnam in two weeks....
  8. That is the street bike. I am hoping to have my new 1k for track maybe next week. I will be painting it Silver and that orange.
  9. I bought it cause I feel more comfortable on the Gixxer. They are more familiar to me and have a decent ergos (did 1300 miles Labor day weekend all slab work). I do need to get this remapped to smooth out the off throttle.
  10. Yeah, it is louder and also more noticeable since the exit is not behind the rider. But the sounds it does make is worth it. There are some notes it produces like low RPM constant throttle and when I get the blipping right is just silk to my ears.
  11. Yeah having the rear out at lean is what I need to work on. Well the power sliding shit I know I will be doing next when I race the 1k.
  12. I am referring to more of a Flat Track style.
  13. I don't really want to ride trails. I prefer out in the open as I want to work on sliding and controlled sliding.
  14. If the owner establishes the necessity to mind early training is much easier and the dogs are always controllable in normal situations. I have both (had up to 5 Setters at one time) and a cat. The cat acts like a dog sometimes when it comes to food, but all my cats are lovey at first then after a few months they change and turn into the normal "I'll do what I want." A cat can be trained, if you have the stamina. We messed up with ours as I forgot to take out the Doggy door for the back yard when it came time to make her mind. (previous cat would come in from outside when told too) If you make the cat mind one time (chase it till you corner it, no need to hurt the cat either) it will mind when it knows it must.
  15. Hey Flounder what did you think of the two stroke???
  16. Yeah throw a pipe, jet kit/PC, get some motor work done, tune it, then throw some Ohlins front and rear suspension on it and whip up on some liter bikes at the track as you pass them on the outside of the corner.
  17. Chrisoh


    Just: "Shit he passed me again"
  18. Chrisoh


    What is your Screen name on GDC?
  19. Dude that bike would be facking blast to run on the track. I hope it takes off. I would love for the big 4 to start bringing their 250 and 400cc sport bikes over. Over in South Africa you can find CBR 250s CBR 400s. etc...
  20. Chrisoh


    He has to team up on GDC for the Newb bashing. He is afraid of the farm and for some reason stays away from the bored's
  21. Chrisoh


    Well True. I don't like me either. But I figure if I have to put up with myself I may as hell make the rest of the world suffer too. Flounder is just Pissy cause I passed him every damn session at Mid OH.....
  22. Chrisoh


    July for me and almost 100 posts.
  23. Chrisoh


    Yes and maybe I can get MPD's Terabyte of pics while he is in Denmark. Hey can I actually trully post whore here???
  24. I realy can't tell on the tires. If you can get a bigger so I can see. right now I can't see anything on those small pictures.
  25. Saturday I can't as I am heading to the Reds game (free tickets) Saturday Evening. If you all were riding Sunday I may come up, but not trail. I am not doing trails as I am attracted to trees.
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