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Posts posted by DrEvil3264

  1. when it comes to the new 600's, there all so close in performance that it comes down to comfort and your taste in looks. You cant go wrong with any of the bikes from any of the japanese companies. Id say sit on all of them, and narrow it down to the best looking and most comfortable in your oppinion.
  2. I think its cool man that u pay for all ur shit, i went through the same thing when i got my bike, i didnt go out and physically buy it myself because i was 16, but my dad wanted someone to ride with and i wanted a bike and i agreed to take up the monthly payments and pay for the extremly cheap insurence rates that are in my dads name. I drive a beater car that i paid for, but have a nice bike that i also pay for but wouldint beable to get if it wasint for my dad helping me out. So yeah rock that purple car whenever you get it, i mean shit who wouldint say yes to their mom if you were 19 years old on helping you buy a 350Z.
  3. Well today after i got back from class i was low on coolant cuz of a small leak, i filled up the resorvoir then took the car to a friends house. The idle was extremely rough, and when id drive it it almost felt as if the clutch was slipping really bad. When i was cruising in a neighborhood going about 20 in 2nd gear it seemed to run normal until i would give it a lot of gas then the car would just lurch like the clutch was slipping and felt like it had no power. I dunno why it would do this, im pretty sure its not the clutch cuz u can tell that theres something wrong with the motor. today i replaced all 4 spark plugs it didnt fix the problem, but it did make it run a lot better. Still idles a lil rough and still lurches but not nearly as bad, just thought that might help with ne ideas to whats causing this...the coolant leak is coming out somewhere around the oil pan but i cant quite find where it is. Its almost as if the motor stutters when in a higher gear and when approaching redline it loses pretty much ALL power at 6000 rpms. This is the non turbo 4G63 if you were wondering. Any replys would help, thanks guys
  4. I think it was probably changing your sprockets that fucked with your speedo, unless it reads through a cable on the front axle im not sure. I know that on my bike with the digital, changing gearing messes with it.
  5. yeah man get ur endorsement, cops dont tollerate it if they catch u out after dark or on the freeways. I rode on the freeways and at night the first 2 years i had my temps and the day after i got my endorsement i got pulled over at night and thats the first thing he checked. Test is easy as shit.
  6. yeah, part of the reason i crashed was my suspension isnt set up right, its stock as of now. I think too many wheelies have maybe knocked it out of wack lol, so it was too soft. Other guys were hitting the same area i was and thier suspension would soak it right up, so im getting race fairings, steel braided brake lines, and my suspension set up before the next one.
  7. Well it went pretty well other then the little crash i had on the second session. I lowsided on the apex of turn 5, my front tire got lodged inbetween where the concrete and asphault meet, mid ohio needs to repave cuz that shit sucks. Well, after the wreck all it did was scratch the fairings a little tiny bit but broke the rearset on the shifter assembly. I spent all lunch hour trying to find a replacement, luckily someone had one so i got to ride the rest of the day and ended up only missing a half hour of track time, considering i wrecked going around 70-80 mph id guess, my bike looks like i crashed going 5. Vortex frame sliders worked wonders and when it slid into the mud it cushioned it. Well heres some pictures, i got much faster than i was last time since this was the intermediate group, but i have some suspension issues that i need to work out.









  8. Just wondering if you guys knew of the cheapest place where i could drop my bike off and get both tires changed, i dont have the proper stands to take the wheels off myself thats why im asking. I was gonna do it at the track but i just found out you have to take your wheels off yourself, and ill prob lose a lot of track time. Or a place who would do that if you bought tires from somewhere else would be even better. Thanks for the replys
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