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Posts posted by DrEvil3264

  1. yeah i rode a Ninja 500/EX500 for a year before i got my 636, the difference in having a more powerful bike as ur first is the consequences of error. On a 500 if u fuck up on the throttle a bit or brake a little too much, u wont get in as much trouble as like on my 636 which has much much more powerful brakes and weighs 40 lbs less with 60 more hp. Basically if u fuck up, ur more likely to get fucked up on a more powerful bike just my oppinion...
  2. yeah i mean i love the Busa, but the design is 6 years old...I think your 04 R1 would run on a Busa with an equally expierenced rider, they basically have the same rear wheel hp, but the Busa is a 100 lbs fatter...that to me means R1>Busa, turbo busa...thats a different race.. O and how do u like ur R1, im thinking of trading in my 636 maybe in a year or two and getting the all black one, that is one beautiful bike
  3. nice bike, but wont you lose a lot of topend with the different gearing, i mean its straight if its just for stunting, but what if u wanna just go all out fast, or on a normal ride wont you be bumping the rev limiter a lil early? Not sure how much you lose on that gearing just curious... tell me how that crash cage works out if u ever lay it down i was thinking of getting a 905 crash cage myself
  4. Just swapped out my stock tires for some pilot powers, the stock front has probably 60-70% tread left, and the rear has plenty of tread on the sides but the center is pretty bald from a few long burnouts. Im willing to let both go for $30 or best offer just want to get them out of the garage, would be perfect for a track day, or some tires to just burn up. The sizes are 120/65/zr17 for the front and 180/55/zr17 for the rear, and their Bridgestone battleaxes
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