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Everything posted by XB12Ss

  1. Braking during turns can be done, it just must be done very carefully and with a good deal of skill... The best way is to get all of your braking done before the turn... Sometimes mistakes happen though, so braking is necessary...
  2. I did it on my old bike early this season when coming off of 555... a pretty nasty section of gravely poopy road... I MX'ed that shit sideways just to give a final "fuck you!" to that POS road.
  3. Trail braking has it's uses, but my current bike stands up like a son of a bitch with the slightest bit of trail braking... I have to have my entrance speed dialed in before hitting the turn, otherwise I'm fucked. Covering the rear brake is extremely important.
  4. XB12Ss

    Tire Machine

    It's the whole setup... Bead breaker, the whole nine... and yes, it does have the lips. http://www.4strokes.com/reviews/harborfreight/mctirechanger/ Can a brother get a bidding war?
  5. I prefer real ones, but am an equal opportunity squeezer!
  6. I smuggled two illegals across the border... hiding in my asshole.
  7. I like how you used those bigazz LED's in the fairing... slick.
  8. Why do you think I named it that way?
  9. Got a naked bike? Peep this: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=5273&page=2
  10. XB12Ss

    o8 sport bike calander

    I'd be willing to split some of that cost... Who else has a naked bike to show off?
  11. XB12Ss

    Tire Machine

    Nobody wants to make an offer?
  12. 118 dB will make you shit in your pants... Trust me.
  13. Bad Boy is 118 dB. The ones in the first link were actual train horns... If I had an extra $2k to throw around, I'd get some for my truck... I'd honk at cops.
  14. I've been looking more at something like this: Might be small enough for me to fit it under my fly screen... I don't want retarded looking air horns hanging off of my bike... If I didn't care, I'd just get these: http://www.hornblasters.com/products/details.php?item=NAK55G40
  15. I am thinking about mounting airhorns on my bike for just such occassions... However I have short thumbs so working the horn can be awkward...
  16. The closest thing to a smore that I have had in the past 10 years are those smore pop-tarts... a nice flaming marshmallow smashed between a couple grahams and a hershey bar sounds MONEY right now...
  17. Inexperience can show up anywhere... I can reference a couple passes in our group ride if that helps.
  18. Stop whining. Dude was trying to give you some sound advice. Take it.
  19. I'll take the number of one with a big rack and a nice fat ass...
  20. I think I'ved used my rear brake 3x this year... Once was to keep me from rolling backwards in a parking lot while I looked at my map this weekend.
  21. Generally the first thing I do when I get on my bike is get the hell out of town... Riding around town is boring and dangerous to me.
  22. Can't get the fucking thing to work... Here it is.
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