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Everything posted by ironbuttwannabe

  1. My best investment ever was Ford. Not sure if I want to try it again though.
  2. 172.Golf courses cover 4% of North America This one is hard to believe 216.The common idea that only 10% of the brain is used it not true as it is impossible to determine the actual percentage because of the complexity of the brain. They just contradicted themselves then from the beginning
  3. yes I agree. But if no one wants the mossberg rifle I'm interested
  4. yeah it is a very good idea. I would still be interested in buying that ground I posted before, If I only had to pay about half of it or so. I don't know all the legalities of it though? Part ownership or how that works
  5. That land I posted has some tillable ground. I forget if it is 10 or 20 acres. You can rent out the land and that will at least pay for taxes if not a bit more. I would buy it just for an investment and have a place to escape to on the weekends. But right now my time is pretty limited and have my eyes on another property I want.
  6. http://www.bobmillerrealty.com/default.asp?content=expanded&search_content=results&this_format=3&mls_number=86761&page=3&query_id=0&sortby=228 My brother passed this on to me about a month or so ago. Looks pretty nice. It is right off of I-77
  7. From what I've seen of the Autobahn, it didn't look anything like that video It looks more like a highway.
  8. Taxes.....It's that time of year again?......ahhhh
  9. If it was spring I would. Just hate driving the truck far. But then, spring is softball time
  10. You live close to me. I'm closer to Smithville than Sterling.
  11. Where are you playing at? Broadview Heights is about 50 min from me. If I could count on good weather I would say yeah.
  12. I'm not sure how these bigger churches are supplying the money for the building. We only have about 100 regular attendees in ours and we just renovated our sanctuary for the first time since 1970 something. It cost around 300,000. We did a special offering twice a month designating on the check it was to go toward building fund. We didn't start building untill we had all the money. We made no changes to regular giving. We also do have a food pantry that is open two days out of the month to give 3 meals a day for 7 days. We are feeding close to 300 people on that. We might not be like most churches that have a lot of paid staff. We only have one paid person, the pastor. There is churches around here that don't even pay the preacher.
  13. Quite possible to do. You have to get a lot more publicity than typing on a forum, and you will need a ton of money for lawyers. Stanley Tam from Lima was able to turn his company, US Plastic Corp. into a God ran business. The book is called "God Owns My Business"
  14. My advice just get rid of all your credit cards. I always paid mine off every month, but figured out I spent less money when I didn't have one to use all the time. I keep one at home for buying off the net.
  15. That Vstrom would be a fun bike to fix up
  16. FYI, rafters aren't really made for this. They will bow and be noticable from the outside. I wouldn't do it but that's just me
  17. I thought I heard that on the radio the other day. Maybe they wait till after they get married. Sounds right.
  18. The transponder (probe) that we have is directly made for swine. It will work for sheep and goats but not the best. There is three different transponders that will do any animals...probably even women
  19. That's one thing I was glad to get paid off. $1000 a month for 3 years but at 0%
  20. ultra-sound. Bank account is a bit smaller now. Seeing as this 3 pound device costed as much as my new KLR650
  21. The story for the day. I got out a little after sunrise, driving to our property and a dumb dog carrying something dead follows me up the road and dashes into our corn field. 2 deer looking for missed corn get spooked and ran into woods.
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