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Everything posted by rockybalboa

  1. Travis Pastrana hits a deer during the second to last stage at last months Snow Drift rally.The Vermont sports car Subaru Rally Team did not attend the award cermony after the event so i did not get to see the car.Bummer! http://youtube.com/watch?v=pdxmAq3TOjI
  2. I'm glad you aren't a wanna be. You know the saying Those you can,do and Those that can't teach. OR instruct what ever the case maybe.
  3. rockybalboa


    tape it only to the one on the outside! now keep a watch if your toe gets cold that means no circulation to that toe....go to a doctor at that point. you shouldn't have any problems people break toes all the time and don't know it! stop kickin shit! lol
  4. rockybalboa


    hey easiest way is to...take that toe and tape it to the next toe beside it. go to cvs and get medical tape, for a toe there is no reason to use anything else! Ice it for twenty minutes and elevate it when you can to keep swelling down! Thats about it, the doc or er will not do anything for a broken toe!
  5. I guess flounder isn't going to help us with the bet, O well.
  6. We leave here tuesday the 4th and headhome sunday the 9th.
  7. Ok so this is a mild post hijack.I am trailering bikes to flordia for bike week.I will have a couple of open spots available if anyone as Yoda sayes wants to sky bus their buts down there.There will be a small fee for gas but not that much.
  8. I wiil be there along with 6 other members of this board.If anyone is interested would good get together and do an ohio riders group photo from bike week. Of course we would need get some of those cool T-shirts from satan.
  9. Since flounder has not posted on this thread yet I think we should take bets on what his response will be.I'm going with "My wave was bigger".
  10. Thats a good thing considering who you live with.
  11. Hopefully others can see how this day is separating the races not bringing them together.
  12. Hum looks like we have a strange divide here.Whites on one side blacks on another.
  13. Sorry Homewrecker, you weren't around when this thread was being discussed. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=8512&highlight=louisiana
  14. +1 To all of these posts then multiply it by the amount of money that Katrina victims are seeking(3 quadillion)
  15. Why would they celebrate that?
  16. Anybody that has had a good experince there should consider themselves extremly lucky.They should probably go play the lottery.I have had multiple bad experinces at that store.Now I go there just to see how they will try and screw me.Its good for a laugh all most everytime I go there.At least they didn't try to charge you for the bike twice,oh wait they did.At least they didn't charge you ten dollars!
  17. OK I wanted to bust your balls but I agree with that.Those factory tires are total crap.We have them on a 06 750 and the rear spins and or slides at almost anytime I want it to. Very poor traction and mine haven't been covered in oil.
  18. Another inside joke that only you and your friends get,GREAT.I have heard you call that thing a show bike on more than one occasion so there must be a story behind it.Lets hear it!
  19. I want to have a pet monkey.I caould train him to lift womens skirts up and steal candy from children that would be soooooo funny.
  20. Was there proof that it was a girl?
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