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Everything posted by rockybalboa

  1. OK so if we're going to start shit I'm going to do it BIG! Here is the list of poeple that I don't like from this site! everyone! TAKE THAT SHIT TO THE TRACK!BITCHES!
  2. Good more power to you! I keep reading about people that are getting a kick in the junk. Some are getting it shipped to them while others seem to be standing in line for it.So where do I find one of these things? where does the line start?Are they avalible at toys R us or only on line?Flounder please help I'm trying to find the coolest christmas gift this year.
  3. I'm thinking you might be on to something there.Will they let bigger bikes run or not?
  4. The 10 is alot better looking in race trim.
  5. The 2JZ and the body slam mightbe the funniest things I've seen this year.
  6. ZX10s are kinda fugly.
  7. Come on guys thats only like four and a half tanks of gas a day. I will go if anybody else is interested.Well as long as the route isn't all freeway. Whats up with the class standings it looks like all the bikes are vintiage
  8. Hey I'm EMO. Why does everyone bash emos?I think i'm really a good person.
  9. I'm not saying that satan is doing bad job.I think he is going above and beyond with this site.I am trying to help improve this site.If you are so big on PM why not try that first instead of closing the thread.It might also be a good idea to change the moderators around every so often and maybe try to get one or two from outside of central.maybe cleveland or cinni.Just to get an opinion that doesn't come from this site's inner circle.CBRgirl before you post an upset reply about how I'm wrong try to look at what I'm saying from an outsiders view. Your group of friends posts more than anybody else.Nothing wrong with that but they also get treated like their opinion is more important than others and half of them are moderators.I would just like to see someone from outside your "circle" to have a little bit more say in how things are handled here. Move power more towards a democracy and further from a dictatorship.
  10. If the person who pays the bill is the only person who has an important opinion then make this a private board for paying members only.If not then you need to give equal importance to all members opinions.You should not delete or move members thoughts to places that is not open to all members.
  11. I'm upset that because I didn't log on for one day that I didn't get to voice my oponion.Satan you do favor certain people on this site. There is a certain group that is allowed to get away with a little more than everyone else.Of course all the moderators are in this gruop. Its not really your fault. The problem is that when you know someone personally you know how to take what they are saying or when they are just f-ing with someone. the catch to that is tyhe rest of the poeple on the site don't understand that and don't get the small inside jokes. You need to try and look at some of the comments on here as a nonbiased third party and not just over look some things as that so and so no big deal. I understand that is hard to do.
  12. A lean condition WILL make the header glow.Any newer bike ridden hard at night will have even glowing headers even a stock one. This glowing is not a good way to diagnois any problems.Bikes usually don't have timing problems but it is possible.
  13. I was also on that ride. We never got over 60MPH untill 30mins into the ride. Any time you ride in a group the back of the pack has to ride faster than the front.Its the accordian or slinky effect or something like that Satan knows what I'm talking about.I don't think that it is good to be know as "badasses".I have ridden with most of the groups in central ohio at one point or anouther and this is defently not the fast group. some poeple are but as a whole this site is pretty conservative in their riding. On a side note that older guy on the ZX14 was scary. Everyone on the ride knows what I'm talking about 100 in the straits and 15 in the curves while leaning the wrong way. I had fun though.VFRs are for old men so anything over 50 was probably to fast for him.
  14. I have seen a trike with 30"wheels before.It was a harley base instead of a busa.
  15. I agree that could have ended alot sooner.
  16. rockybalboa


    happy birthday buddy! Did you eat any good stuff today?
  17. You should part this out. I don't think anybody would pay you what you want for what you have.Maybe in parts maybe.
  18. Satan do you have this in your possession?
  19. You should ask Flounder. I'm sure he will know.
  20. rockybalboa


    I don't remember an apology to me either.
  21. rockybalboa


    +1 what are you talking about Putty?
  22. Gsxrgirl750 VS. 250bunny. Dance Dance Revolution battle. Who will win?
  23. I didn't write it.I saw it on tv yesterday and thought I would share the laughter.
  24. I know this is on myspace so it seems alittle weird but try it anyways.http://myspace.com/celebrityeyecandy Scroll down to the first video and press play.I don't recommend the second it is a little fruity.
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