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Everything posted by rockybalboa

  1. H1=over weight,over size P.O.S. and still to much money.
  2. Just to check the quality of the pictures you should use the camera to take a picture of itsself.That would be awsome!
  3. This is how they do it in Iran. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b48_1200105797
  4. My nieghbor has a RED pitbull.He is red, not orange.HE is a nice dog but he looks real mean.
  5. rockybalboa


    We can only hope for Hasselhof to do it again.Don't hassel the hoff!
  6. I did have a few puckering moments.Strangely they all involved alot of right hand twisting.
  7. Go back to Toronto!You penis peeker.
  8. I rode around columbus for a half hour,alone.the roads were really slick.Rolling burn outs every where,woooooooo!
  9. so did anyone besides Aaron go out today?
  10. I do mind. She must be a she.And been one her intire life.
  11. I would like some free service.By a tall blonde with big boobs.
  12. +1 for problems at motorsports.That is no big deal though they will close at some point or at least move.Morse rd. is dead!
  13. I like to use a french wrench and a 5 pound sledge hammer.Two good whacks equal 100 ft/lbs.Its an exact science.
  14. Electric screw driver!I like the back and decker brand.
  15. I think VanDamme was asking Fedor to spare him.Even in the movies Fedor would beat him like a red headed step child.
  16. Sorry I don't have sound at work but it is always better when the cars are moving.King of columbus is a competition for the fastest street cars in columbus.They have a 10.5 tire and a big tire class.it is great fun to watch.Maybe some other members can help me with the details but I know there are some rules and I think that it is invitation only.
  17. Please don't post any more dyno videos.Its like posting paint drying.BORING! The videos from the drag strip are great though. Dweezel have you been to the king of columbus? heard of it?
  18. I have work at many different shop as both a mechanic and sles person.Multiple times I quoted someone a hour labor to do a certain job and when it really only took moments I gave it to them at no charge.I have also seen ten second jobs turn into hours and hours of labor. Would it have been better to tell you they could do it for free and then charge you 79.95 after they had to drill out the bolt that broke.
  19. Your poll is confusing.Is it yes for I will or yes for I wont?
  20. There is more than likely a bigger reason for telling you there would be a charge up front.If I tell you I can remove your bolts for free and then I break one off who is going to pay to replace the hub or the time to drill out the broken bolt.If it was a paying job and something went wrong the management would be likely to cover the parts or the time to fix it correctly.
  21. I am selling the GSXR.If anyone wants its.I will be getting a different bike,probably a harley.Maybe a sportster.
  22. Flounder and peace should not be in the same sentance.Good luck.
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