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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. and you would know how? I mean yeah I am delusional, but that's not the point.
  2. Buy yourself this. http://www.amazon.com/Lesbian-Sex-Secrets-Men-Making/dp/0452281334 I'd lend you my copy but it still packed away in a box from my move in Dec.
  3. Dweezel


    It was probably a straggeling sheep hair or 3 you left, no one said it was yours, just left by you mang.
  4. 'I'm wearing tighty whities and I'm smuggling plums' Sorry I saw grapesmuggler and that filled my head. Thanks.
  5. wow, this thread just went there... Can't say I'm proud.
  6. Men don't suck it, We lick it. And <--That, is why I'm famous Oh I'd def be miserable without the ladies, but seriously though, some guys think a chick is so damn beautiful that no matter what she does he'd put up with it and still love her and all that shit. Not true, No matter how beautiful she is, some guy somewhere is sick of her shit. I just turned this thread down the shitter even further than before I think So....
  7. Dude your so full of shit, Right now? She left at least a half hour ago
  8. Does it make me a hypocrite if I say Amen to that? Exactly what I was thinkin of Justin ^^^
  9. It's okay man, we've all done it, and we'll all do it again.
  10. Your implying that there is a single thread in this forum that HASN'T gone horribly awry? Damn man talk about keeper of the faith!
  11. No matter how hot she is, some guy somewhere is sick of her shit. Truff.
  12. Yes but according to our resident Mustang God (schmuck) it takes approx 2x the HP in a GM product to equal the same results as a Ford product Which is why the new GT500 runs 12.9's and the SS Camaro runs 13.0 with 100+ less horse power. FORD RULEZ
  13. screw it. anyone on two wheels (okay maybe 3) should be welcome.
  14. wonder if hes gonna get any bugs from what he hit?
  15. Dude build the piss out of the Avi, what engine is in it?
  16. Wow, the whole city of Youngstown made it! go home town http://illicitohio.illicitohio.com/youngstown.html
  17. no but being the first post I figured I'd bust some balls man!!
  18. lol it's cool, I believe ya, hell I damn near hit one Monday on the way to work in the friggin Ghetto! A damned ghetto deer!
  19. Pics or it didn't happen...
  20. Hell if I know, I've done it a few times lately, seems I can't bring the front end down soft anymore I quit, besides a 'Bus isn't exactly a bike to be doing whoolies on
  21. They want too much money, I have lots of talent, and no money. I'll use my talent
  22. Okay, I brought the front end up and set it down a WEEE bit too fast the other day... Now I've got a fork thats leaking. Is it still cool to drive. Obviously I won't be out tearing up the corners but I'd like to take the bike down Sunday to the MN'G. Secondly, Where is a good place to get springs and valves, I'm not looking to get the best of the best of the best, Just something better, I'm not gonna go through the trouble to tear down the forks and put them back together stock. If I'm in there I'm doing springs and valves, I'm 255 in street clothes, bikes setup for someone whos 150. That's not me... Last but certainly not least, I've gotta take the forks out correct? this isn't something that can be done with the forks in the tree still? Thanks Dweezel
  23. No, someone else owns it, Tyson doesn't own it anymore.
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