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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. nah, I didn't get a new bike. This guy had a chrome skull on the front fender, a giant 'super man' logo on the windshield. And all kinds of other stick on gadgets. Now when he left, first thing he did as soon as it started was hold it wide open for about 2 min. Then for the next 5 before he left he did it spuratically untill he left. Then he almost dropped it backing it out of the spot. This had to be his first time on a bike, total noob. No gear other than his jacket, dew rag and sunglasses. We followed them up the road this dude almost bit it several times. Not to mention the redline starts slipping the clutch. Total squid wanna be.
  2. you show up to the bar, day after Halloween, on your brand new 08 'busa, with your brand new Suzuki Racing jacket, and decked from head to toe in BeDazzeled Ed Hardy shit? How about if you take every drunk as fuck bleach blonde in the bar out to oogle over your bike? Just wonderin.
  3. freedom is not the absence of restraint, but the ability to live according to the restraints of the original design.
  4. I read this earlier today, I'm kinda hesitant to call repost because I'm not sure where I read it. no, it was here. there was a discussion.
  5. Rode to werk today probably ride all weekend too!
  6. wow, I think I've been through that company.
  7. If your in the Youngstown area I can help you. I can fab and weld alum too.
  8. or just throw a decimal in there, like 45.0
  9. then how are they SuomyUSA? kinda negates the purpose...
  10. she probably found his Asian porn stash... RIP nick, RIP.
  11. What he's asking is will we lose all our friends and social groups etc when you do this, I'm guessing no since you do it every month and it's still there. It's just if Castan falsifies information, it won't be retained at the next optimize.
  12. more often than not it's rings/piston sized in the bore, there usually isn't enough friction in the journals to stop a motor. Your prob looking at a whole new motor.
  13. Dweezel


    Guilty. Not while driving Semi, but while driving my cars. I'm a little to cautious to post/text while driving 80k down the freeway and I only use the headset/bluetooth if I'm driving the semi too.
  14. I thought that was Shay? unless I missed a joke when he posted the intro...
  15. It is a dood, his name is Shannon. He's a member here, errr. he was 2 days ago, probably not anymore since we time warped his name here is Shay.
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