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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. You should drag that little line further south through Nevada... anyone got an extimated cost on this trip?
  2. Wait? arn't you a Holy Roller? why do you need a gun? Won't God protect you? Never understood that logic.
  3. I'm a mechanic and I'll Tell you all day to stay away from HD but you'll keep looking
  4. If your buying a gun for self defence it only has to shoot accuately about 10 feet or so, at the 20 yard mark it gets kinda hard to prove self defence.
  5. My world is fucked up. The only real racistish shit I got was from my black friends
  6. Suzy. I noticed you left that out. That makes baby jesus cry.
  7. Ya know, when most adults have imaginary friends, they get locked in a padded room, but hide it in the guise of a 'higher power' and it's cool all of the sudden. Religion is all thats wrong with world. it's the biggest reason people kill, and die. all in the name of a god.
  8. I prefer to eat before I put in, but whatever
  9. Yes, and their precooked. pull out and eat
  10. I'll post 3-4 little things and then I'm gone. We're all going to hell. Period. End of story. I'll be sure to grab a beer with you all when we're there. Now here's why. There is more than one religion that states 'if you do not belong to this religion, your going to hell'. So therefore, since a person cannot belong to more than one religion, by logical reasoning, everyone is going to hell. Fin. Secondly, life isn't all that complex. All organisms with an internal skeletal structure have, for basic purposes, the same skeleton. A skull that contains the brain, eyes, and sinuses/breathing mechinisims. A rib cage to protect the vital organs. A spinal cord/back bone for support, and to house the CNS. and 4 appendages of very similar, yet greatly varying design. If this is the work of 'intelligent design' the Intelligent part was using 'off the shelf' parts to keep costs/mfg problems down, not making everything unique and different. Evoloution is allot easier to accept if you realize there is no such thing as time. Time is a man made measurement. Nature only knows generations. Every generation there is a change in the species, taller, shorter, whatever. This is also why it takes 2 people to make another, half the genetic code from one, half from the other, mix well and viola! New Human! If you take time out of the equsion, and only look at generations, Humans haven't really been around that long. Having a long time between sexual/reproductive maturity (figure a bare minimum of 13 years) also makes for slow changes in the species, where as some animals such as fish are mature in 2 years and have thousands of offspring every year, would tend to show evoloution much faster. Now onto global warming... If you think the planet is stable, and things arn't changing, your a fucking moron. Plain and simple. pull out your gun, put it to your head and pull the trigger. While the planet is more stable than it has been, it's by no means done changine. Of course it's getting warmer. Notice the glaciers are gone? Wonder why? do you believe that there was an Ice Age? and that the planet was frozen? wonder how that happened? Notice the 3 ft dragon flys are gone (from millions of years ago)? ever wonder how they came to be? Because at one point in time the world was a hot, humid, overly oxygenated planet that allowed such small, inefficient animals access to large quantitys of oxygen to grow larger. The planet has since cooled (without the help of humans) and the oxygen content of the air has fallen (again with no human intervention). The planet is ever changing, it hasn't just stopped because Humans have become 'smart' (and I use that term loosley) enough to measure things and study them. You seriously think that studying a 100 year chunk of time on a planet that is BILLIONS of years old is going to give you a realistic view on whats really going on? Thats like me logging onto OR for one half of a second, seeing someone named Satan and assuming that he's a devil worshiping SOB who makes Marilyn Manson look like an alter boy. It's just stupid. of couse the planet is getting warmer, it's eventually going to get cooler too. quit worrying about it, in the grand scheme of things we are but a pimple on the ass of this planet. Now I also don't condone the needless poloution of the enviroment, but I don't think we need to go as far as we're going to with this.
  11. very light dusting of snow here, three cars off the side of the road. I don't understand whats so hard about driving, it's exactly the same as it was last year people! I was 10 min late for work because of these idiots and rubberneckers
  12. I want snow, I can't wait to go boarding. I missed last year because of a broken collar bone, and only went once the year before I need to go about every weekend this year
  13. I cannot believe some people think thats funny, Chicks seriously have no idea how bad that hurts. Seriously it can make you sick, it's made me throw up.
  14. My whole issue with imports is that look at all that work into that car, how many thousands of dollars, and you about the same as a stock mustang GT. I had about 2k into my Firebird and I was running 11.9's all motor. another 500 in nitrous and the car would have been mid 10's without a question. All while getting 28mpg and looking a hell of alot better than that :/ I'll never understand the whole 'lets start with a 17 second car' syndrome. With nothing but an airfilter I went 13.1 @ 113, stickey tires and I was down to 12.9. add an exhaust and a tune and I was popping of 12.7's. I took me Tires (300) full exhaust (500) and a tune (200) to pull of 12.7's.
  15. I'm assuming this is your first bike?
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