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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. granted, but it's left over 1924 stock I wish I knew what to wish for
  2. granted, but it's all going to gasoline I wish I got paid in gallons/hr, instead of dollars/hr
  3. granted, but your boy George I wish I could control the weather
  4. granted, but only Michele Jacksons and R Kelleys. I wish i could grant wishes.
  5. Granted, but only because you don't have any clothes I wish I had a better bicycle.
  6. granted, but it's two weeks old I wish I didn't have a nice cage to get my happy ass to work
  7. ah, yeah... I've got this box thingy, it's got a cord that goes to this other small box thingy, that has lights and shit on it. and it's got two cords on it, they both go into the wall. Different places though, ones that standard 2 prong plug you see, the other is round with a wire in the middle.
  8. granted, but you lose your MAC card I wish I had a new house
  9. God I love those bikes. Need a Truck?
  10. BS, I did no such thing.
  11. just read everything twice, I messed up a few questions because of the way they were worded, well more accurately the way the answers were worded.
  12. sooo... how's the foot peg lights work, just drill and mount or what? did you buy them like that or did you make them?
  13. well, we could put points on it, but it won't let me save routes.
  14. Okay, start PMing me your emails, I'll put whoever wants on the map, on it.
  15. Okay, so we've got the rides section, and Rosso just posted up the link to ohio motorcycle roads, and allot of good roads I like are no on there, and I believe Nick said the same. So this was my idea. Google maps lets you make a your own maps, way points and routes. I was thinking we, as a whole, could set-up a semi private, OR.net only maps page where users could add their favorite routes, and good restaurants, stops etc. this could also be used so we could add meeting points and members could get routes from their places to the meeting places and get good directions. oh yeah, and the "Avoid Highways" option is very nice too, I've found some of my favorite roads by using that little button So if anyone else, or the board as a majority thinks this is a good idea I could start the setup of it and see what all could be done and what the extent of its capabilities are, I fiddle around with it allot now but I'm sure theres allot I'm not sure of yet
  16. Yeah, The Olde Warehouse, and Lock 27, hopefully the weather will cooperate and we'll head down Saturday, I'll give you more of a heads up, I'll probably post it in the rides section. ya know... I've got an Idea, I'm gonna start a new post.
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