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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. So your talking to a person, a real human being, telling them the situation, and they won't un-black list the servers IP? asinine.
  2. a world currency really won't work. How would you satisfy an economy like say, China, where 10k yen get your a stick of gum, and that same stick of gum in America goes for 1/4 of a dollar? the base "unit" is too far off, especially with some african countries where they print 100,000 "unit" bills. also that constant fluctuation of value between currancies helps keep the economy moving
  3. Dweezel


    Touche` Salesman...
  4. Dweezel


    oh no, Satan has lost it...
  5. Chicks that ride are hot. 2-3 bonus points just for riding. Doesn't help if your only a 2/10 though...
  6. I've got Gmail, never had a problem with it. never had any spam either now that I think about it. Are you talking to an actual person, or is it "he says, server says"
  7. Couldn't fix the email problem I take it?
  8. Looks like a GSXR with a Kawi nose/intake on it... seriously, look at it very closely, it looks like they just reverse engineered the GSXR bike.
  9. I was gonna say, I've got a laptop specific back pack that works very nicely. check best buy I think thats where I got mine. their padded and have lots of nice pockets for everything, and room for books or other things you may need to shove in there.
  10. lol yeah, HD courses, like everything else they sell, is a rip off. You can go through the state for 25 bucks. Same course, bikes aren't as nice I'm sure, but they'll work for the intended purpose.
  11. I wish my girl would ride. She's scared to and says she has no real desire to learn, but loves to ride with me. Not that I don't like riding with her, but I'd much rather ride solo.
  12. I ran one on my 7fiddy all summer last year, drag raced the hell out of it, never had a problem. Put it on correctly and be sure its seated fully, shouldn't have a problem.
  13. I ride if it's above freezing in the morning, if I step out and theres ice on the deck, I take the truck, if not, I ride. Also if it's raining in the morning I'll take the truck, if it's gonna be above 60 even if theres a good chance of rain, I'll ride. 40+mpg @ $3.50 a gallon beats the hell out of 16mpg @ $4.35 a gallon (trucks diesel)
  14. Brakes come to mind as being kind of a big deal too...
  15. Here ya go, Straight from Snell; http://www.smf.org/ I dropped my helmet! Do I have to go buy a new one?Generally the answer is probably not. Helmets are one use items, but are quite durable otherwise, at least the ones we certify. Frequent dropping or spiking a helmet on the ground, or other hard surfaces may eventually degrade the helmet's performance. Similarly if the helmet falls to the ground at highway speeds unoccupied the owner must be aware that some degradation may have occurred. In general the real damage comes when the helmet contacts an object with a head inside. The Foundation recommends that if you are participating in an activity that requires that you wear a helmet, that you avoid hitting stuff with your head. It can be difficult to readily determine if a helmet has been damaged, and the protective capabilities compromised without a thorough inspection by a trained professional. Some manufacturers may provide this service or direct you to these others that can perform these inspections. The Foundation recommends that if you suspect your helmet may be compromised, then replace it. If the helmet has been involved in an impact while in use, replace it.
  16. careful saying that, it comes up faster than you think!
  17. how do you know how I ride? I can take it easy, and when the woman is on the back I always do. I wear boots, don't know when you've ever seen me in shoes except MAYBE putting around mid Ohio. I know Scott, and he knows the roads, I just follow his line.
  18. Dweezel

    I'm buying a..

    lol so THATS why your selling everything! PS thanks for the stands mang!
  19. The fact that it's a HD probably didn't help any either, their not exactly known for doing any thing well... Except for shaking fillings out, and deafening everyone with in a block. Brakes suck, handling sucks, power sucks. Maybe if he wasn't on something that didn't weigh 700lbs dry it would have fallen over and lowsided once it started to get shakey. Oh well, one less HD idiot to think he's king shit and oh so superior on his over priced chrome vibrator.
  20. no, It's actually pretty nice, but I was looking at it from work I put a few miles on it today though after work. Keep getting a damn random FI light, pulled it in, put her on the stand, shut it off to open the trunk. No friggin codes. Left the seat off and went out, put another 20 miles on it, all types of driving, trying to get it to reset. nothing. SOB.
  21. I've always heard the rule if your head is in it during an accident, or if dropped from over 5 ft.
  22. Seriously I donated monies a few weeks ago, is there a minimum? they were pesos does that count?
  23. eh, it's kinda depressing actually...
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