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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. and 'Senior Member', I mean come on, I'm not THAT old! hell I'm not even 30 yet!
  2. Oh yeah, I live here, I drive through it every day, there is nothing here but drugs, shootings and empty lots. The entire city is something like Columbus' worst parts. There is nothing downtown except the University and a few shops, and the Chevy Center, which actually is bringing people in, and hosting a good amount of events. I'm glad they're doing it, at least there is an empty field, versus old dilapidated crack houses. I also hear, if a home is a known crack/drug house, it's put on the fast track to demolition once confiscated, regardless of condition. They need to do something, the entire city is a dump, the people here have NO work ethic, and expect to have everything handed to them, and have a "poor me" attitude. Crime is through the roof, although I do believe since the CCW law has passed, it has gone down some. No one goes downtown anymore unless you HAVE to for something. There is nothing there, everything is in the suburbs, there isn't even a Starbucks in Youngstown, several in the subs, but none downtown. The area is like a Dough nut with a cancer center working its way out. Wow, google Youngstown http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=youngstown Can't say I disagree
  3. I would look for a dual compound tire, I know my centers are gone way before the edges, I've been hearing allot of good about the Avon Storms on some other forums, not sure if the Vipers are the same dual compound or not.
  4. Hey man, we should get together sometime, thats where we mainly ride, Rt 9 is awesome down that way, might be a little road debris on it this early but still always a good ride, I live outside Salem that ways.
  5. damn dude, what the hell? You getting rid of everything?!
  6. all I get is a "page was removed by author" notice. Musca got allot of shit LOL
  7. okay, I've got a friend coming up from Columbus this Friday, if you want to save some hassle on shipping those, let me know. He'll bring them up to me, and hand you cash for them. Get back to me please one way or another I'm still hanging here without an answer on anything. Thanks
  8. so are the stands still for sale? Ain't heard anything.
  9. I don't see why, there's lots of different types of 'race' gas. Only ones that would give you trouble are alcohol based. They will eat at alum if let to sit. There's lots of petrol based, high octane race fuels that would be fine to let sit in a tank for some time.
  10. check the super important things, like caliper mount bolts, chain adjustment bolts etc, then work up to suspension bolts, then mount bolts. Can't be too hard to find, bikes ain't all that big. Lots of bolts though...
  11. LOL hey Denise! Its Trapper, Scotts friend! The bike is sweet looking, we stopped over the other day, Frank had just got done taking the tail off. we were gonna see if you two wanted to come out, but you were working, and Frank was watching the kid the SV is sweet, his is the main reason I was looking at them for awhile before I bought the Busa, couldn't find one that was exactly what I was looking for. Oh well hope to see you two on the roads soon! Hope they fix some of the damn roads soon too :angery:
  12. Dweezel

    FS: Ducati

    eh, looks like a cheap SV1000N knock-off just missin, thats sharp, good luck on the sell!
  13. so, there's this mill/plant that rolls high pressure gas line, kinda looks like a paper towel roll when their done, only 20" and steel. Well they've got to clean 6" in on either side so it can be welded inside and out. The company I work for makes sand blasting equipment. But the catch is its for cast steel grit, and we recycle the blast media and throw the waste out, were the only company so far thats EPA approved for lead removal with a reuseable media. We mainly do bridges, but we've been stupid busy with water storage tanks and shipyards the last year or two. Even though their not lead based paints like bridges, the reuseability factor has allot of guys switching over. I do personell training and equipment setup. I travel all over the country doing setup and training. Its a pretty cool job, but sometimes the hours suck. I put in 20 hrs today, and will prob have 55 in by wed when I finish here. Plus another 13 or 14 Thursday for travel time home. Then Friday and sat will be office time prob taking service calls. I flew to Atlanta once to change 2 fuses. But the best one is when I drove to Cinci to pull an Emergency Stop button out. Thats about the best one, lots of operator error trips, but the last year or so I've just been doing all setups and training, and this newer kid has been doing the repair trips, unless its electrial, its still only me and the Forman in the shop that can diagnose/repair the elec. system.
  14. ive also got att, I love it, about everyone I know here has them too. I'm also on my iPhone, in Portland Oregon posting this. I travel all over the country for work and aside from some BARREN places in TX, ive always had good signal. No complaints here.
  15. hey man, check your PMs, I'll take the stands get back to me with your paypal address and I'll get the money out to you. Thanks Dweezel
  16. I got somethin a few hours ago, around 230, so probably when you sent it out yeah.
  17. Okay, go here; http://newyork.mets.mlb.com/nym/fan_forum/singalong_vote_form.jsp Fill in the form for "other" and put in "Rick Astley" "Never gonna give you up" :rofl: DO IT! DO IT NOW! many many times, and tell your friends. please.
  18. My woman has that on her MS profile, I keep tellin her I'd SIIHP. Not a huge fan of blondes, but I'd still do it :yesnod:
  19. I thought it was to get that sex change?!
  20. So do you think a K&N would help it? would a TRE make it accelerate smoother?
  21. If they were my kids, they'd be washing your car, and I'd throughly chew them out, right after you did. Shoulda thrown them off the bridge but if you threw my kids off a bridge I'd be a little upset.
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