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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I'll be out sunday! Unfortunately I'll be on the TOTAL OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STATE!!!
  2. I love my 'Busa, it's wonderful in the turns, I've still got 1/4" of chicken strips on her, but I haven't taken it out on any serious twisites yet, just on/off ramps. I've got a friend of mine making shorter dog bones so I can raise the back up 1" and gain some clearance when I lean it over. The bike is rock solid, and is very confident in the turns. I remember when the XX came out, I was in love with it, still vaguely remember the comercials!
  3. I live in Austintown, Canfield is the next town over.
  4. ah, I loved working on my Wrangler, and my CJ-7. shit was so simple. My Firebird was lowered 2" and I changed the clutch in that every season, and replaced the synchros in the trans every summer too. I got to be an expert at pulling F-body transmissions. I had a S-10 blazer I did a solid front axle swap on, and a Chrysler 8.25 rear in. That was nice to work on too, didn't need to lift it at all to pull the trans, thing would slide in and out with no problems LoL. Only RWD I'm not super fond of pulling is old SBCs, because then you've got to pull the dist to get the engine to lean back far enough to get to the top trans bolts. not a big deal, just an extra step.
  5. I've done clutches/converters in both. I'll take a RWD car over a FWD car ANY DAY. Drop the drive shaft, cross member, Lower the back of the trans, pull out the top bolts, raise the trans back up, support it, disconnect the conections, take out the last few bolts on the bottom, slide it backwards, lower trans jack, slide out from under car. On a FWD you gotta screw with half shafts, and everything is in there sideways and super tight, no room to work on anything. If you were closer I'd do it for ya, but seeing as how your 3 hrs away, it might be a bit of a problem.
  6. cool. interesting vid, I just think that they're the ugliest things on 2 wheels and I can't get past that. that and the seat looks like it's from the late 80's. I'm sure it's an awesome bike, as is the 'busa, but I just can't get over the looks. IMHO the thing is hideous. kinda like a bastard union of a Ferrari, a snake, and a late 80's motorcycle.
  7. nah dude, thing was punched out to 1280cc, he had the whole thing customised and built to the hilt. he said it put over 205 to the wheel on 93 and close to 215 on race fuel. He stopped at the gas station and I had to pull in and find out what he had done to it, the bike was awesome. Kinda miss matched tank/plastic, he's still working on it apparently.
  8. Thats about what I'm reading, I wouldn't wear it to a track day or anything, but for the majority of what I do it should be fine. I plan on getting a 2 piece suite in the future, but needed something to ride in every day, since this thing is my main mode of transportation in the summer months. I don't do 100+ very often, but I was chasing a killer mid 90's CBR900RR. yes, I was chasing him. thing was stupid fast, I held it till I saw the needle hit 175 and let off.
  9. nope, where are you guys headed? any place in particular? I'd be interested, don't think I have anything going on that weekend. Post it up in the rides section, I'm sure you'll get allot of guys that would be willing to get in on that. if we're going to Pitt, we're stopping at Pamani Bros for lunch
  10. Okay so the jacket is too big. It is a little large around the waist, lower chest areas, but it's the only thing I can get my arms and shoulders into. I'm thinkin about stopping by the alterations place and seeing what they can do with it, if they'd be willing to take it in at the bottom. Which also begs the question, why arn't there adjustment straps up the side. My friends girlfriends jacket has them... huh. Also, whats so bad about textile?
  11. heh, well maybe you two, but it seems since the weather has turned, lots of new members have shown up. Quite a few guys from Dayton lately too, oh well
  12. okay, so I bought a new textile jacket last weekend, I like it except when I get to about 150 it starts flapping and shakes me pretty good. I got my pants today and tried sippering them together, helps a little but still does it. Anyone got any suggestions?
  13. to and from work, about 45mpg, out screwing around, about 25-30 mpg
  14. Thats funny, I thought all Kawi's were ugly...
  15. I've ridden to work any day it's not raining so far. Pretty cool, considering, just by not driving my truck, I've saved enough in the costs of fuel to more than make the bike payment this month
  16. Their sales are already tanking, big time. HD makes more money on T-shirt sales than motorcycles, and has for years. The "trend" is wearing off and their paying for it. The days of waiting on lists for years are long gone, you can go in and buy any HD you like (god only knows why you'd want to though) and trailer it home that same day. Also no one is saying they have to replace the V-twin with an inline 4, hell many imported bikes do great with a V-twin, and you can ride them for more than 30 min before your fillings fall out I have a hard time believing that, not saying it's impossible, there's loads of stupid people out there, but I'm hoping theres more intelligent buyers out there than lemmings. I'm trying to find data but apparently anything related to HD performance, or actual sales data is lost somewhere amongst the cult propaganda here on the web. Their buyers don't want a motorcycle, if they wanted a motorcycle, they could, and would get a much better, much smoother, better built, higher quality bike for MUCH less money. HD buyers want image. They want to be seen on a HD. They want pipes so loud you know their coming, and you know their coming on a HD. Think about that, the same people who buy HD drive lexus, BMW, and other luxury cars that are known for their smooth ride, excellent running engines, why would they want a motorcycle thats deafeningly loud, shakes to all hell and back? They arn't buying the bikes to ride, their buying them as show pieces, just to say they have them. What HD needs to do if it wants to survive on more than just T-shirt sales is abandon their redneck customer base and forget about their "image", the bad asses don't ride HD any more, The real nuts are out on sportbikes clocking 150+ through traffic, sometimes on one wheel. The "image" of what motorcycling was is now a sport bike. Bare minimum, no frills, as much power as you can cram between two wheels, and in a few cases, theirs some psycho piloting the damn thing. HD's image is fat old people with short legs who bought their image at the dealer. their not scary, their not mean, their accountants, bankers, lawyers, and teachers who want to escape their dull lives and be cool for a weekend. The next generation isn't going to buy HD, and HD needs to change to meet what the up and coming want. I'm not saying they need to drop their cruisers and make soley sport bikes, but they need to start making something that can compete and embrace the sport bike as main stream. HD is stagnant, and has been for decades. They need to move foreward to survive, and they need to do it soon. The people who are buying cruisers to actually RIDE the damn things arn't buying HD's, their buying Goldwings, Vulcans, and other metric cruisers. I'd love to be riding around on the baddest thing on two wheels, and I'd love for it to be made in the USA, and while I am, it's not.
  17. It's a really good site, very intelligently written, read the "Harley owners feedback section" it's not overly profane, but he does use words selectively and their very few and far between, but when he does use them their more than called for
  18. So you read the posts I take it or did you figure that out on your own?
  19. Yeah I know that, thats one model, the rest of the twins are air cooled HD paint shaker stock. Hell even HD has the Porsche powered V-Rod, or VRSC. Apparently, the Japanese are evil because they bombed Pearl Harbor, and we shouldn't ride their bikes even though they are superior, but using German engines, putting Iron Crosses on the bikes, and other crap from the Germans is cool, because they were our allies in WWII and the only reason we won I've been out of school for a while now, but last I read the Germans killed allot more of our guys than the Japs. It also goes to show that Milwaukee has NOTHING in the way of design ability, or intelligence. Hell I could design a functional motor that made decent HP/Liter, why did they have to outsource to Germany? Probably because Porsche is a name most HD owners can relate too, it was another marketing step, since they are "Die Hard Patriots" most of them own Porsche's and other expensive imported cars
  20. My name is Dweezel, I've got a sister named MoonBeam, my Dad's Frank.
  21. Yeah, very little of the Harley is made in America, Frames, and engines I think about cover it, along with the Fiberglass parts. all the electronics, switches and most sheet metal is outsourced to Japan/Mexico/wherever. Cowies, and Hondas are actually the most "American Made" motorcycles. Once AMF (a bowling ball company who, btw took HD from a 20k mile hope it makes it home heap, to an average 100k mile engine overnight was actually the best thing to happen to HD, even though it's called the Dark Ages by the "unwashed" ) sold HD back to Willy G in the early 80 i believe it was, HD petitioned the government for tariffs against foreign made bikes, to force Americans to buy an inferior product, by raising the cost of the imported bikes above that of the HD junk. Instead of building a better product, and updating, refining and delivering an up-to-standard motorcycle, HD cried to the govt and got them to change the rules in their favor. Honda and I believe it was Suzuki? even offered to extend credit to HD to modernize and update it's bikes, and manufacturing facilities. Competition improves the breed, they know this and even though they were helping their competition, in the long run, everyone would benefit from it. HD said no, cried to the govt, got the taxes raised so that the HD was cheaper, and in a way bit the hand that was trying to feed it. So Honda set up shop on American soil, built it's bikes here to get around the tax. eventually other manufacturers followed suite.
  22. Isn't that all they do anyways? Hell their 1200 cc motors barely move those pigs. I think what he's trying to say is it's time to do or die. They either need to modernize and come out with a liquid cooled, smooth running engine that lasts for 100,000 miles without worry, or close the doors. They also need to start making real sport bikes. Not those excuses they tag as Buells. Something that is real, competitive, 4 cylinder, liquid cooled, and competitive. This is America, we have the best everything. except motorcycles. We don't even give a shit to make an honest to god effort at it.
  23. He only sounds/talks like that because he knows Chuck Norris is watching. Normally he's a very intelligent, well spoken individual.
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