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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Dweezel

    Noob here

    Unit1025@gmail.com works. Sounds awesome, I used to go on trips like this with a guy here from work and a few of his friends, but they rode HD's and I got sick of hearing all their shit so I quit riding with them.
  2. Well took the 'Busa to the track today for the first time, only got 2 passes in before it started to rain. First pass I was pretty cautious with the launch, only got an 11.52 out of it, not sure on the MPH since I didn't get a ticket. Second pass I was allot more aggressive with the launch and managed a 10.82 @ 131.38 Not to shabby, I was happy, bone stock bike and I only managed a 1.8 60' out of her. I'll be back next friday to try again
  3. There ARE other kinds? wow, you do learn something new every day...
  4. heh, well "dude" didn't seem to fit, besides, why do I need to ask, she's a 20/F/Cinncy and she can't spell "satUrday"
  5. babe... You need a side car
  6. well when you consider that their pretty much useless, and the only reason you'd really buy one is to save fuel, it'd take quite a long time to offset the savings buy purchasing a 20k car specifically for that reason.
  7. Dweezel

    Noob here

    Is that the one you mentioned to me in another post? I'd love to hit up a few of these rides you guys go on they sound awesome! let me know when you guys would be headin through Youngstown and I'll def meet up with ya!
  8. wow, I feel stupid now...
  9. well, considering 2 people rolled it over, I'd say pushing it out of a spot would be no big deal.
  10. I did it because my Ex and i had a joint account, and after I got my first refund, not knowing about the second one, I closed it.
  11. WOW... nevermind.
  12. sounds cool, When's Saterday?
  13. where are you going to figure this out. I DD's my refund, but have since closed that account... wonder what now.
  14. Dweezel


    I heard it wasnt drool...
  15. Papa Johns is pretty good I think, their garlic sauce is killer
  16. Dweezel


    flex is how much it will bend before cracking. Go base/clear, one steps look like shit after a few years, unless that isn't a concern.
  17. www.newenough.com or try www.kneedraggers.com too. They've usually got great prices onwhat your looking for between the two.
  18. Sorry to hear that! Where were you from?
  19. Dweezel

    Noob here

    Nah, This forum doesn't suck, watch out for that guy ^ and you'll be cool
  20. anything wrong with them? are they take offs?
  21. Seriously, after about 1500, my rear looks to be on it's last leg. Gotta save a few pennies and get a new one here later this month.
  22. Dweezel


    another pineapple! Large Pineapple, in French = le grand ananas You should hit up SchmuckGirl, She's a pinapple too!
  23. Must not be too serious if their usin ZX14's over 'Busas
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