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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. I'm painting mine once I get the proverbial "round to it" and take all the plastics off.
  2. Hells yeah! Great roads in our neck of the woods! Welcome to OR!
  3. Funny, he didn't want it to be political yet was the first person to mention obamacare in this post hmmmmmmmmm.
  4. Yeah, saying it makes great tshirt art is NOT supporting your argument
  5. True. However don't villainize it before it is. I'm finding that most of the negative press against it is funded press. Meaning big companies that will lose profits are fighting hard core against it. I believe that if someone spends big money to make you believe something is bad then it is most likely the opposite.
  6. Like he said above! Less is more. No more than a solid plate with a contrasting color number over it. K.I.S.S?
  7. You guys can blame obamacare all you want but this phenomena of escalating healthcare costs has been going on for quite some time. When I first entered the workforce I had my premiums paid 100% by my employer. Fast forward a decade and a couple job changes and I'm suddenly paying 50% of my healthcare premiums to the tune of 384 bucks a month! That was 2001...who was in office then hmmmmmm? Can I blame him? It's this thing called capitalism you guys keep pushing causing the problem, not anything else. Big companies trying to make more money is all it is. They saddle us with more and more of THEIR costs and then have us blame "X" leader in power. It's ridiculous that we accept this as "normal commerce". The house of cards will fall the day we can no longer afford to pay for the things they are fleecing us for.
  8. True, but it doesn't mean that this one isn't crap.
  9. Yeah, I don't get it butters. My coverage is great! I think most of the people here are getting screwed because their employer CHOOSES to screw them.
  10. Would love to jump on that but this time of year don't have the extra change
  11. I've got a Glock worth 4500 dollars!! Well...at least I think it is
  12. It was awesome, I conceded I was terribly slow early lol
  13. We don't need to know about your sex life
  14. I went last year starting at 9:00 on thanksgiving day because this chick I knew wanted to get one of those tv deals. I can tell you now, the only way you're getting remotely close to that tv is to skip ALL thanksgiving festivities with your family and go wait in line. And I mean EARLY Thursday. Waste of time if you ask me. I only agreed because she was hot
  15. I hate Black Friday! Or what is now known as "gray Thursday"
  16. I'm in! Much steam needing blown off!
  17. We fix them at work, I'm down for doing it
  18. Personally I don't blame the youth of America for looking for a handout. It's sad and pathetic but I understand. Let me explain. I'm 42, when I graduated high school I had a lot of options. I could join the workforce immediately and get a manufacturing job somewhere OR if I wanted a better paying job I could go to college and get my money making piece of paper. (I'm oversimplifying to save space). Kids today don't have that, thanks to our government they've made it easy and sometimes even encouraged big business to move their industry overseas. Less jobs for us, less opportunities for our youth. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to spend 4 years or more at college with the slim hope of landing a decent job with your huge college debt piled on top of that. Not everyone will be able to work at Wal Mart no matter how many they open. We need to stop spending huge amounts of money on being able to blow shit up, we need to stop spending money on social programs to aid the lower income baby making machines and we need to stop spending money giving aid to large corporations only to have them move their corporations overseas. Our current economy will eat itself. You can't have the people in the middle support everyone else at either end. The rich because they don't need it and the poor because they don't deserve it. There! I think that should successfully piss everyone off.
  19. Absolutely! You guys were great! Nice tight band, I reeeeeeeeally appreciate that! It was great meeting you as well!

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