Personally I don't blame the youth of America for looking for a handout. It's sad and pathetic but I understand. Let me explain. I'm 42, when I graduated high school I had a lot of options. I could join the workforce immediately and get a manufacturing job somewhere OR if I wanted a better paying job I could go to college and get my money making piece of paper. (I'm oversimplifying to save space). Kids today don't have that, thanks to our government they've made it easy and sometimes even encouraged big business to move their industry overseas. Less jobs for us, less opportunities for our youth. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to spend 4 years or more at college with the slim hope of landing a decent job with your huge college debt piled on top of that. Not everyone will be able to work at Wal Mart no matter how many they open. We need to stop spending huge amounts of money on being able to blow shit up, we need to stop spending money on social programs to aid the lower income baby making machines and we need to stop spending money giving aid to large corporations only to have them move their corporations overseas. Our current economy will eat itself. You can't have the people in the middle support everyone else at either end. The rich because they don't need it and the poor because they don't deserve it. There! I think that should successfully piss everyone off.