Just saw this, not that it matters to me because I live so far away but... I disagree with warning the drunks at all. Let them get caught! How else are they supposed to learn? By telling them it only tells them not to take a particular route. Which leads them to roads less traveled. Guess where I ride my motorcycle? Yep...on roads less traveled. So it'd be awesome to get hit by a drunk driver only because some "helpful" citizen told him to take the back roads.
It's ok Scruit, if the Republicans get their way we will all qualify for free healthcare. There will be 2 classes in the US, rich and poor. If you're reading this, you're not one of the rich.
Two SuperPACs alone have pumped nearly 60 million into the anti-Obamacare rant. They don't have to disclose their donors because they are non profit (yeah right). So yeah, unless your head is made of stone they are pumping money into it to protect their profits. Not to make sure we peons get affordable or quality healthcare.
Socialized medicine worse than what we have? Think again... http://healthcarehacks.com/socialized-medicine-in-britain-is-it-really-that-bad Seems like the advertising against it from the multi-billion dollar healthcare industry is working on the teabaggers! Not me
http://healthcarehacks.com/the-us-healthcare-system-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly Yeah... We're not that great. Profit based is not a good thing. Why should they cure cancer for example? They won't, it makes too much money.
http://www.strike-the-root.com/4/wasdin/wasdin10.html Don't think your government is doing this? You're wrong. We are the new Roman empire and we too will fall.
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/aug/18/warren-buffett/warren-buffett-says-super-rich-pay-lower-taxes-oth/ Straight from the rich guys mouth.
Kinda! The SV's suspension is crap from the factory. Yeah, it's adjustable but only to a better level of crap. I do love everything else about it though.
Hmmmm I'm only showing 50% here. But speaking of percentages, did you know the average weatherman has a 40% success rate in predicting the weather? There's still hope