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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Maybe I was just testing the waters to see if you were interested. Maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet
  2. Potentially interested. Trade for BarBri lecture book fully completed? (But for real - if you have law school questions, PM me. And once I get the suzuki road worthy, I may contact you about this)
  3. Louisiana seems to come to mind, but I can't finger why...
  4. It's also worth noting that different people at the BMV have different opinions on certain things.. I know i have seen situations where one person at one location wouldn't accept something, but another person at another title agency accepted it without issue.
  5. Yep. I was going to say "virtually impossible." At least in Ohio. Other states have more permissive title laws. If you have a friend or relative in one of those states, and you trust that person not to screw you, it can be done. In simple terms, you would have to find a state that will issue a title from a bill of sale, and then 'sell' to someone in that state. they would get the title issued to them, and then sell it back to you for the same price. Then you're just going to need a VIN inspection to transfer an out-of-state title. If you want to get the bike street-legal, then you also need a vechile inspection, to prove that it has a horn, brake and head lights, turn signals, etc. But all that would come after the title transfer steps above.
  6. Just saw on RRW.com, Espargaro nearly equaled the circuit record. If he's doing that on sand, today should be even more impressive.
  7. Gotta buy a car this weekend, but I may be interested if we stay within car budget. New TV was supposed to be my birthday present before the car wreck. 42" is about all the bigger our living room would need.
  8. Guess we'll see. Soft tires won't last race distance.
  9. I have no problem with people protesting his funeral. He's kind of asking for it. Free speech for everyone.
  10. I typed it on my phone. the "7" was supposed to be 75. knew I'd get beat up on that...
  11. how long was he gone? the SN username doesn't look familiar to me...
  12. didn't know they did suspension service. I seem to recall them making captive spacers for the R6, but I may be wrong about that as well... Otherwise I have never heard of them doing service work.
  13. learn to weld, or apply on the bottom rung of the steel mill. Arcelor Mittal (I probably spelled that wrong) "laborers" make decent money, and while the only real way to get a promotion is for some old lazy a-hole to die or retire, the supervisors acknowledge hard work, and you can move up the ranks relatively easily when that does finally happen. Plus (per my friend's report of the guys he supervises), you always know exactly who is retiring, because they make a huge deal about counting down their days... The guys closest to retirement will have the cushiest jobs (in the locomotive shop). That is the spot everyone is angling for. You want to step into the job vacated by whoever gets that spot. Bend the ear of the locomotive shop supervisors, and find out who the front-runner is, then start impressing their current boss. It's a good career ...if you can stand having union coworkers ;-)
  14. "reasonable settlement" is pretty much the idea. I hope your recovery continues. Financially, and physically. anecdotally, big name law firms can be hit or miss. I have not personally dealt with anyone from Elk & Elk, and this is less relevant when you're paying them on a contingent fee basis, but someone is paying for their TV commercials and office space. Again, I am not saying big farms aren't good attorneys, and certainly not criticizing Elk & Elk in particular. I would just encourage everyone to check with their local bar association before calling a lawyer with the most frequent TV commercial. I interact with all kinds of defense attorneys on a daily basis. Some are charging $400/hr and others are charging less than $100/hr. The best advocates are usually the ones charging in the $100 - $200 range. They're working their butts off because they DON'T have the client demand to support a $400/hr fee, and they rely on referrals to generate business. They also don't have the overhead (i.e. office space, secretary, and advertising) that require them to charge so much. Some of the best attorneys I know work out of their homes. It allows them to charge a reasonable amount, and doesn't remotely affect the quality of their work.
  15. I wasn't saying it was safe, and certainly not advisable, but your math isn't complete if you're talking a bout a rear-end collision. 150-75=7mph net speed for the bike, so the force is lower than we previously calculated. Still not safe, but not as bad as you suggest. I fully acknowledge the potential for bad things to happen when riders speed. That said, I also had a 40 mph impact in a car on Wednesday, and walked away pretty much unharmed. The nature of the impact can change things dramatically.
  16. You guys are really turning this into a lot more than what it was intended to be. I was on the grid when Steve crashed. I saw what happened at 20 mph with a 400 lbs bike, blah blah blah. My post wasn't meant to promote mini racing. It was meant to keep Steve on the track, or at least provide an option where that was more likely. I like Steve. That's why I hate to see him giving up on racing, and consequently seeing him in the paddock less often. If we're going to debate the safety of mini racing versus full sized bikes, fine, but that wasn't my intention. I do find it curious though that the "mini guys" posting have raced or still race full sized bikes, but as far as I can tell the people talking about how equal the risks are only race full-sized bikes, and have never raced on a kart track. Miss seeing you Steve. Stop by CRP and hang out some weekend. I'll pay your gate fee, and stock a cooler for you if you want to corner work ????
  17. Steve said a $10k bike was too expensive and another big crash was too risky. I thought my response was pretty much directly on point as far as addressing how he could continue racing with a bike that's 10% of that cost and has a much lower potential for a "big crash" that would take him out of work. So no, it wasn't on-topic for the for sale thread, but it was a direct response to what he said about WHY he was selling.
  18. find some skanks on the UD campus. But for real, the bar scene near campus might be a LOT of fun if you can get there during the OSU v. UD matchup for the tournament. That might be before you get there though... Winner plays Saturday. If that ends up being Dayton, it will be a mad house.
  19. I wish OMRL was paying me, or even just discounting my entry fees! But honestly, WERA has its own mini class. I go out of my way NOT to mention OMRL on the WERA board unless I'm talking about the preferred setup to suit the OMRL rules that might not apply to WERA minis classes. Plus that's the only bike I owned for over a year. Still the only one that is actually in riding condition at the moment - doesn't it stand to reason that the majority of my posts on both boards would be about the type of riding I'm actually doing? I could start promoting freestyle dirt jumping if that would make you feel better, but I know jack-all about it...
  20. missed this thread, and I'm far from local, but it jumped out at me because of the NCAA bracket matchup with OSU. GO FLYERS! Plus I like when people ride old bikes. I assume you're immediately more hardcore. Like you want to ride so badly, that even an old XJ is good enough. I mean that in the nicest way possible. welcome.
  21. I've contacted a guy about a Corolla. He said to text him after 5:00 tonight. then I have to find a mechanic to look at it (or rather, find one who is available when I am not at work...) and PRAY it is worth what the guy is asking.
  22. that's rough. Sorry to hear. Explains your trailer sale thread a bit. Didn't know things were as severe as you're describing now. Keep your chin up. there is light at the end of every tunnel.
  23. Actually Force = mass x acceleration. Momentum = mass x velocity. At a constant speed with no change in direction, acceleration = 0. But you're right that the car has far more force to transmit, due to its greater momentum. I'll be generous with estimates here, and say that bike + rider = 800 lbs. 800lbs x 150mph = 120,000 (whatever unit that creates) Again, we'll be generous with the comparison, and estimate the car's weight pretty low at 3500 lbs. with passengers. 3500 x 75mph = 262,000 (whatever unit that creates) A car doing half the speed of the bike (and within a real-world margin of the posted limit) still has more than twice as much force when it acts upon another object. But frankly I think people being scared idiots is the greater danger than the motorcyclist actually hitting anyone.
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