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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. is that decision based on your employment situation? I don't mean to be nosey, but... But I can't think of a way to end that sentence
  2. you bought it as a costume though - that's an (internal) acknowledgment that it's not for ordinary use.
  3. I don't recall whose thread it was, but be smart about what you buy, versus what you want to pay. un-insured and under-insured motorist coverage is VERY important (IMHO) for riders, because you're talking about payment for your injuries. I ride disposable bikes, so I don't really care much about the other person's policy limits as far as fixing or replacing that, but I am not cheap to repair. Nor are my passengers. I paid more like $400/year on my '97 EX500, but I had a TON of coverage in case the other person didn't. $300 difference is chump change to protect yourself.
  4. I know I toot this horn pretty loudly and pretty often, but consider mini racing. My bike was $450. I might be into it for closer to $900 or $1000 now, but it's not the $10k you're talking about, and I can run 2 full seasons on 1 set of tires... A worst-case scenario crash is a 50mph ordeal. The injuries are usually minimal, and the bike repairs are almost always next to nothing. The (lack of) speed alone reduces the risks quite a bit. It's 30% of the speed, and 99% of the fun of big bikes. You WILL still miss big bikes, but the little bikes prevent withdrawal symptoms ;-)
  5. I like that. Some chode at Chipotle had a "Sons of Anarchy" hoody on, and I found myself wondering why anyone thinks that's cool, or appropriate. For his sake, I hope it was a gift... "Rebel Riders" is hilarious for the exact opposite reason. Poking fun at your own complete lack of a street cred (ironically) grants you a ton of cool-points in my book
  6. I'm of the opinion that learning new tracks is a skill worth developing. I am not good at it, and would certainly like to be better. Plus I think learning to go fast at Putnam helps you go fastER at Nelson (and everywhere else). Consciously or subconsciously, you're building skills that you can apply at other tracks. For example, Putnam has a 'bus stop' turn where you down-shift into 2nd gear, and then accelerate out in 2nd. Hard. One could theoretically get better at driving down the front straight at Nelson from practicing that turn lap after lap at Putnam. That's hardly a perfect example, but it's the best I can come up with on the fly. As the name suggests, the Putnam turn is much more of a stop, turn, go scenario, whereas Nelson's is more of a sweeping exit, but you're more likely to get wheel-spin at the bus stop at Putnam, and maybe that helps you catch or control a rear spin at Nelson in the (less likely) event that happens. Again, hardly a perfect example, but I think the gist of what I'm trying to say is clear enough that I don't sound like a complete moron.
  7. how has it been? I am looking at several 2002-2004 Jetta's. none of them are diesel, because those people want crazy money for cars with well over 200k... I'm looking at a 2003 with the 2.0, and a 2004 with slightly higher mileage (106k) and a 5-speed. that one has the 1.8 turbo. Both are between $4k and $5k, and have leather interiors, so fully optioned up.
  8. I think manslaughter cases for those type of scenarios are pretty weak... If they're actually racing (which the state would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt), and they hit each other, then yeah, the racing caused the other rider's death. Here the pot hole (in combination with the speed) caused death. Basically the state would inadvertently have to prove that if they had been traveling at the speed limit, he wouldn't have died. I don't think they could meet that burden without an expensive expert witness. And for what? I doubt the fallen rider's family is enraged with his riding buddy... So yeah, cite the second rider for speeding or reckless opp, or whatever else is appropriate, but manslaughter would be a stretch here IMHO.
  9. He's not wrong about the huge flaws in te American election system, but tht doesn't mean the North Korean way is better.
  10. They're both goo tracks. I have has fewer chances to ride Putnam, so I would "prefer" that option if all other variable are equal. Only bad thing to say about Putnam is that it sucks they don't allow camping, and I wish that wall on the front straight started later. Otherwise it's a fun an safe track. Turn 1 is faster than you think. Run wide, or you're screwed for turn 2!
  11. Are you getting some kind of referral discount I'm not aware of? ;-)
  12. My rental is a dodge avenger with a 4 cylinder and a 6 speed automatic. The first 4 gears are very close ratios, and it will shift into 4th at 30mph under gentle acceleration. 5th and 6th are basically overdrive gears. The tach falls waaaay further in those shifts. All in the name of economy.
  13. If you guys do end up going, you're welcome to take my 4x8 trailer. It's set up for 2 XR's, but could probably fit a third between them (facing backward) if you add a chock. 2 in the truck bed and 3 on the trailer would be a nice split for gas, so long as it's a 4-door truck cab.
  14. Fuelly is putting that into perspective. It's been exceedingly useful in deciding between the various options. At the moment, the front-runner is a 2003 Jetta with 68k miles. It's well within my budget, and gets 32-36 mpg (verified by fuelly). Other options were cheaper, but don't get near the real-world mileage.
  15. See the N2 press release or email their support address. I don't want to spread misinformation. The gist is that N2 is doing their best to honor commitments made by NESBA, but they're doing it as a courtesy, not by obligation. I haven't actually seen anything from N2 that says they're going to have "members" or require a membership.
  16. The police have to hate it when stories like this are published. Just encourages people to run.
  17. I have nothing in particular against domestics. My '93 Probe GT died in 2004 with 168,000 miles on the clock. My '98 ranger was traded in (the wife insisted we keep her Neon, which had catastrophic transmission failure at 68k about 2 months later) with over 120,000 on the clock. I would have kept it longer. Aside from the Neon, my domestic cars have been pretty solid. The adjuster just confirmed that I'm only getting $7k for the car, which is about what I expected, but less than I had hoped. We bought it for $5k from my father-in-law, and then I put 50,000 miles on it, so I can't really complain... now to find the smallest car that will fit a car seat in the back!
  18. A civic would be more comfortable too... There are just certain inconveniences I think are acceptable and expected when riding. A little wind is definitely one of them.
  19. Ha - yeah, then you probably did. And you're totally right - one stupid motherfucker STOPPED in Eastbound lanes and got out of her truck "to help." I about lost my fucking mind yelling at her to get in her car and get the fuck out of there. I hit the guy in front of me because I couldn't see that he was stopped (crashed) until too late, and it was a 100% certainty that the same would have happened to her, or someone behind her if she hadn't gotten her ass back in her car and driven away. Explaining as much in an expletive-laced rant was the most restraint could manage under the circumstances.
  20. I'm usually all about function over form, but that does look pretty ridiculous. I'm sure it's awesome, and I would be jealous if we were both on a 1000 mile ride, but I would look cooler on an EX250, and we all know that's really what riding is about ;-)
  21. how far is too far? it's only during the school year, so 3 months of no commute. I wouldn't write it off so quickly if it's actually a job you'd want to keep.
  22. no, you didn't. I was against the dividing wall, but there were 2 box trucks and a bunch of other vehicles blocking the other lanes. No one passed us. The highway wasn't officially "closed" right away, but it was impassable pretty much immediately. I'm sure there were a ton of wrecks on 90 though. Mine was just past the arched pedestrian bridge past MLK.
  23. Shit. I already have the 4th off work... Can't miss the 7th though.
  24. 30 over the limit is a 4 point violation. Something to keep in mind. With speedometer error being 4mph or so, keeping it under a hundred in 65 zones is probably a good idea. And welcome
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