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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I enjoy both genres, but Daryl and Merle don't exist in the books. The governor chops off Rick's hand though. Lizzy doesn't exist in the books, but a boy kills his twin brother like lizzy killed her sister. Carl shoots the boy because none of the adults have te stomach to do it. Etc. It's interesting comparing the two story lines.
  2. Okay, everyone can calm down. Mike is all good, and my stuff arrived today. Just assume Nathan is recruiting umbrella girls and filming AMA bike builds.
  3. Read the books. 90% of the same stuff happens, but rarely in the same way. Based on the books, I have some ideas about what Terminus might be.
  4. Yeah, I know the XR is on the rev limiter (just under 50mph) through the chicane, so the bigger bikes are definitely hitting 60 or 65 on that side straight that takes you to the back section of the track. We need to put a cone on the left this year. Someone got DQ'd for cutting the corner last year. In the supermoto race.
  5. Your GS500? Figure on closer to 37hp for the air-cooled 500cc twin. The EX500 has liquid cooling and 3500 more RPM to use, and one in great tune will still barely make 50hp. I guess if you're comparing factory claims of horsepower at the crank, 47 could be reasonably close, but then Kawasaki would be claiming more like 60 for the EX500. What you really want to do is look at horsepower increases as a percentage, and consider power to weight ratio. The FZ6R is a mild step up, but admittedly better in every way than a GS500. It will be smoother, more powerful, and the fuel injection is pretty darn nice to have. That said, it's not what I would buy for the money. But that one for sale in the classifieds here looks pretty good.
  6. that thing is immaculate... Isn't there another thread going where the OP is talking about spending $5500 for an FZ6R? You kids need to get together and both walk away happy. Like I said in the other thread, the FZ6R is considered a bit of a beginner bike, but it's a very nice machine. Not a performance monster, but solid in pretty much every way.
  7. I think the world is softening on this. I know the official who conducted my interview would not have liked any visible tattoos, but he is aware that many of his employees (particularly the women in our office) have them in places that they need to be actively concealed (i.e. upper back, above the collar line, wrist, foot, etc.). Other people I interact with daily have visible tattoos on their wrists, feet, etc. and no one really even notices. Social workers and probation officers to name two professions. Some of the people from the juvenile placement facilities have facial tattoos. I'm guessing their background accounts for those, and part of the reason they have the job is based on some past experience that gives them credibility with the kids. But overall, I don't think tattoos will be a big deal in the work place in the next 20 years. The generation who views it as scandalous is retiring. I don't think it's professional, but I also don't look down on people for their decisions that don't affect me.
  8. I've lost track of what kind of riding you're keen on lately. Are you still looking for a do-it-all sport tourer with off-road capability, all day comfort, wind protection, and hard luggage options with a stereo?
  9. Is this the Mike I talked to Tuesday(?) about my credit card?
  10. I want to see an FZ09 build! Buy one!
  11. yeah, I hate it when service people DELIVER shit to my driveway. That's so annoying. <eyeroll>
  12. I just sent this thread to my brother. I doubt he'll apply, but that's his dumb fault... I hope he read this. HI JAKE!
  13. Not a direct answer to the OP's question, but I would really advise looking beyond the FZ6R. I have ridden a GS500 multiple times, and took a quick trip on an FZ6R that a former coworker bought. While the FZ6R is a good bike, it is not a significant upgrade from the GS500. At least not in power. The FZ6R is Yamaha's beginner bike. That doesn't mean it's bad, but I would assume that if you're willing to spend the $7800 discussed above, you want a better machine. You should easily be able to get almost whatever you want for that price.
  14. Probably looks best from behind the bars. For its intended purpose, it might be less ugly than it appears. I doubt many of us are the target market.
  15. always nice to see new members. As for tires, I wouldn't worry too much about mounting up less expensive, longer-lasting rubber. That was one of the biggest surprises when I went to the track - just how good BT45 "sport touring" tires were. Street/track tires are also pretty amazing these days. I have run Michelin Power Pures, and Dunlop Q2's at similar pace. I actually went faster on the Q2's, but I won't get into that.
  16. dealing with the criminal justice system on a daily basis, I sometimes have to catch myself and step back from the situation. I try to remind myself of the following: Don't try to apply logic to the acts of criminals. This is a subset of the population who largely lack the foresight to consider the consequences of their actions. A getaway car won't become a blip on their radar until someone is actively chasing them, and they realize they're not as fast as they thought.
  17. so we can (more) completely derail the thread then, right?
  18. redkow97


    Nice. They also updated their facebook page a few days ago and mentioned OMRL. At least I think they intended to mention OMRL... they kind of butchered the name, but the sentiment was good. There was some joking about "buying a corner" at the banquet. Given their initial paving estimate, I think this would actually be quite possible. They're talking $20k to get the track into 'fair' condition, and then another $60k for a complete resurface. I think a decent fund raiser would cover up to a quarter of their initial paving costs.
  19. I watched the GP race live. Missed Moto2. If you get on the WERA board, someone usually links to a live-feed through a Spanish(?) website. They use the English TV stream, so the graphics and interviews are still in English, but the commentary is in Spanish. Basically you hear the names of the riders, and then a bunch of gibberish It's not HD, but I plugged the wife's computer into the HDMI input on my TV, and it wasn't bad.
  20. I hope that's the case - the headline on the news included a fatality, but TV news has been wrong before.
  21. great deal. Hold onto it until the weather breaks, and I bet you get $1800.
  22. The fact that you're acknowledging the inherent conflict of interest is a huge step. My wife has a coworker who (IMHO) may have held onto her dog a little too long. It was hard to hear her stories having known what her dog used to be like. When the time does come, look into having a bet come to the house. That type of service is getting more popular, and it can really cut down on the stress for te dog. Maybe for you as well... I know one of our dogs gets all kinds of crazy when we're at the vet. The other is happy to have 3 people all paying attention to him at the same time!
  23. My brother rode his Yamaha to the Marysville plant when he externed there. I doubt they're going to make you park further away or anything Glad someone enjoys our weather. Based on the way most locals complain, you would think they just moved here from FL. Personally, I think the Ohio weather is pretty good. We legitimately have 4 seasons, and I think it makes us appreciate the truly nice days we do get. Welcome.
  24. Watching morning news and drinking coffee, and the headline is "firefighter dies in Garrettsville blaze." Then they showed video of the fire, and it's that bar/grille where a bunch of us have eaten after Saturday practice. Apparently 13 businesses on that street are closed. That's half their down town. Sucks! We better go back in the spring and spend a little extra...
  25. I'm not familiar with the 700cc parallel twin, but I have an affinity for that configuration from the EX500. My guess though is that the tiered licensing in other markets has something to do with why that motor is in such a large bike. The motor isn't the problem, it's the bike around it. Stick that thing in a FZ6 frame, and you've basically got an SV650 with more torque.
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